Port forwarding issues


Josh Green

New member
Hey guys, I normally just lurk around and read but this one has me finally needing more help. Heater meter works great and no problems at all. However I want to be able to monitor it when I'm also away from my wifi. I can talk to it just fine and everything is set up to access it while on wifi. However I cannot get the port forwarding to work. I setup a noip domain to forward to my provider ip address. After I setup a port forwarding in my router to HM ip should route it to my heater meter correct? I'm using a netgear r6100 router and cannot get it to access the heater meter. Any ideas greatly appreciated!
what port number are you forwarding and what address are you entering to view? i have mine set to port 80 i think 443 also works.

in the netgear advanced tab from the port forwarding screen enter the heatmeter ip address then click add. once it is added click edit select protocol tcp/udp and then set to port 80.

to view enter your noip address and the port number, something like htttp://mynoipaddress:80 or if it is the netgear account it would look like http://accountname.mynetgear.com:80
I have it setup right now to forward port 80 and port 443 in the router. It's still the same problem. Almost like the router firewall is blocking any ports.
It's very possible that your ISP is blocking incoming connections. You may need to ask them if there are ports that are blocked and/or allowed.
Some internet provider and/or routers block the use of port 80, which is the default HM port. In order to use an alternate port on the HM you need to add the port first. So you can use 8081, but have to take a few steps on the HM to add it as a listening port first.
Here is a link to a post that I made which details how to do this. Make sure you follow through all the way and remove the command after you have successfully added the listening port.
And remember, after you add the port to the HM you need to also enter the port in the URL, like http://IPADDRESS:8081
Ralph, I followed your guide last night. I added the ports that way into the startup and it still could not load the page. When I go to a port checker It says something like "attempt blocked" I've got to be missing something simple here. Thanks for all the help so far guys
Well, the steps you need to take are
1) add the desired port to your HM
2) add the port forwarding on your router for that port
3) add the port to the URL you use to connect to the HM

I would try using your IP address first, then move over to the noip domain name link after you've gotten connected using the IP.

It sounds like you are either hitting someones elses IP that has this port blocked, or you have not forwarded the required port on your router successfully.
I was on Comcast and my port forwarding worked flawlessly. It was very easy to set up.
I just switched to CenturyLink DSL and it's not working. I think there's a difference in my old Cable Modem vs the new CenturyLink DSL Modem in capabilities and settings. The old cable modem had nearly zero settings to change. It didn't have wifi - was just a modem. This new CenturyLink DSL modem has many more features.

I can't get remote users on the Internet access to my Heater Meter now.

Josh, what provider do you use and what device do you use to interface with their network?
Ok guys, sorry for taking a while to respond had a busy day. I figured it out. My port forwarding and everything was working just fine. I was accessing it through my phone and never realised it was actually throwing me a ssl error. This was due to a time difference which I corrected and everything is now properly working.

