Pork Steaks on Smokey Joe


Ethan G

TVWBB Super Fan
I went to a church fathers and sons campout with my boy yesterday. (side note - I hate camping but I do this one each year because my son wants to). Picked up two 3/4 lb pork steaks before I went. I took the grate out of the SJ and lined about two thirds of the circle with foil, then put ~25 lit coals over the unlined part. The idea was to have the air flow in underneath the foil, be redirected through the coals, then have to travel back across the grill (and meat) to exit out through the top vent. I seared both sides of the pork steaks then moved them to the indirect area, shut the bottom vent to 25% open, and added a small piece of pecan wood to the coals. After about 40 minutes I foiled both pork steaks for 15 minutes, then left them unfoiled for the last 15 minutes of cooking. During the last 15 minutes I brushed on a nice layer of #5 sauce two times.

The steaks were soooooo tender that I was able to cut them with a plastic fork! No knife needed at all. Since my son ate too much junk on the way up there and didn't want one, I cut the second one into several chunks and shared with some of the other guys. They were all amazed that something so good came from a tabletop grill in just over an hour. I was also pleasantly surprised at how they turned out, and now using the SJ will be my "go to" method for pork steaks. The only downside is there was barely room for two big steaks.

It was dark while I was cooking, so no pics. Give this method a try sometime, you will not be disappointed!

