Pork Rolls - Wolgast Inspired!

As I said in this post by Wolgast, his meal looked great and I would attempt to recreate it. Last night, I did. Before pictures, I want to be sure and give credit where credit is due - my cook was inspired entirely by Wolgast's Pork Roll post. My biggest hurdle was having no auto slicer but I thought...no big deal...I'll just get the 'meat man' to slice it for me. WRONG!! Two different grocery stores here did not have slicers...only knives and a meat band saw. Started to abandon the cook but thought it is only 'fun with food' right...so, partially froze the 2lb loin and sliced it the best I could with my 14" slicing knife.

Missing ingredients: loin, romaine, 'gus and grill

All veggies got zesty italian dressing applied...'gus got salt as well

Veggies done

Pork loin sliced as evenly as my hand would allow

Goat cheese and pesto - didn't get a pic of the veggie roll...got tired of washing my hands for the camera

Just as Wolgast did...bacon on the cheese and proscuitto and the veggie rolls...I added a little seasoning on the bacon

Rolls just off the grill

Plated with a modified romaine salad and pesto - Excellent meal Wolgast: Thank you for the idea!!

Thanks for looking and keep the 'new' ideas coming gang!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Wolgast will be proud. Tasty looking cook! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Great job. Beautiful.
These are on my list too. You did great with the first attempt at thin slice work. I'm looking at electrics as well and find a lot to learn, and a lot of junk out there. Really looking into the high end prosciutto slicing knives as it would be great to have for many other things. Great cook here and inspires me more ( like I need it, she said, with empty fork in hand ).
Ohh and i forgott: If you wanna duplicate any of my cooks the untold rule is
to not make em look tastyer! And you FAIL!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Wolgast:
Ohh and i forgott: If you wanna duplicate any of my cooks the untold rule is to not make em look tastyer! And you FAIL!

I've been waiting for your reply....nervously hoping it would be favorable! Thanks...if someone attempted to copy/dupicate one of my cooks, I would consider is an honor and be flattered!! Thanks for the kinds words and my pictures are not nearly as nice as yours...my camera is at least 10 years old!
I look forward to viewing your posts....always eye pleasing and usually something I hadn't even thought of yet! Keep up the great work!!!

To all other that posted after my previous 'thanks'...I appreciate the encouraging words...thank you all.
wayne, your photos are OUTSTANDING!
thhe veggies on the grill look FANTASTIC!!
I'll BET everything tasted TENTIMES better than your photos!
I hope you dident get me wrong there Wayne. I am Flattered!! And you made em look Fantastic...Thats why i wrote: " Ohh and i forgott: If you wanna duplicate any of my cooks the untold rule is to not make em look tastyer! And you FAIL!
"(fail in that sentence is that you indeed made em lo0ok tastyer) You did a great job on those...Mutch better then i would if i dident have a slicer...And thats far better then having a camera that takes good pics.(dont mean nothing in the end does it).

You get an 10 out of 10 from me!
Thanks Jim!

Wolgast - Nope...didn't take it the wrong way. I was happy you liked the pics...guess my wording was just a litte awkward. I'll shut up now and stop bumping this post!

