Pork Loin suggestions?


Cory Rood

New member
This weekend I'm going to do 2 whole boneless pork loins, thinking pretty simple, Kosher Salt, Coarse grind black pepper. how long per lb do you think it will take and at what temp? probably pretty hot(325ish?)

Since loins are pretty lean I do mine @ 350 and take them off around 145, wrap and let them rest for 15 minutes. Usually take between 50 mins 1-1/2 hours
This weekend I'm going to do 2 whole boneless pork loins, thinking pretty simple, Kosher Salt, Coarse grind black pepper. how long per lb do you think it will take and at what temp? probably pretty hot(325ish?)


Depends on the equipment.
I do mine on the WSM around 250-275 till they reach 130 ish. Then break the Weby down and do a quick sear at the end. I like 140 for the finish..
Edit: I should also add that I like to brine loins because they are so lean. Or slap them in a marinade like this for a day or so..( the color and flavor is outstanding )
Hope that helps and good luck!:wsm:

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Definitely cook to the 140-145 range, don't try to make pulled pork from a loin. I did that once. Cooking temp doesn't matter that much, just the finishing temp. If you go low & slow you'll get more of a smoke ring and more smokey flavor.
I just put my dry rub on them and cook them at 275 until they get to about 145ish top end of stopping is 155. Then slice it, it is delicious!!
Gary, that marinade sounds good! I also am a brine believer as poin can get a bit dry and boring. Also pull at 140-145. I did stuff one once with cornbead stuffing and cranberries, came out tasty.
This weekend I'm going to do 2 whole boneless pork loins, thinking pretty simple, Kosher Salt, Coarse grind black pepper. how long per lb do you think it will take and at what temp? probably pretty hot(325ish?)


Since you are doing 2 loins, if you want to try something a little different with one of them......cut the loin about 7/16" thick all the way around carefully, so that it
will unroll like pizza dough. Dice some onions and grill them till they are caramelized. Take a fresh pineapple and cut it into small pieces like the grilled onions. Reserve
the juice. Spread the layer of grilled onions onto the unrolled loin. Add the layer of finely dice pineapple over the onions, and top with the pineapple juice. Roll the loin
back up and tie it back together. Now you can either grill it indirect at 275 - 300, or put it on the rotisserie if you have one. It will be done when it hits your target
temperature. This one is worth the little extra effort that it takes to prepare.

