Pork Loin. Poor Execution, but great flavor.


Luke P

TVWBB All-Star
I pulled a pork loin from the freezer and trimmed and butterflied it. The plan was to stuff it, but somehow we didn't have half the ingredients I had planned to use. I wasn't headed to the grocery just for this endeavor so we just rolled it and seasoned it. Brined overnight. Used a wet rub with EVOO, minced garlic, and a "Wild Game Rub" from The Spice and Tea Exchange. It was really good stuff. First time I'd ever tied a piece of meat, so that was fun. Check out this great video to see Scott Rea's excellent tutorial on a great butcher's knot. http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DvsKVXjHsdKg&sa=U&ei=g8ypVInNFcegNsypgrgK&ved=0CBUQtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNEqD_8gn85TefwheZRNssbwaSHkfw
Meat turned out delicious from the seaonsing, but the chef's execution coulda been better. I let the fire die more than I'd like, and rather than staying at 325 the whole time it dropped to 250 by the end. I had done 3 chickens earlier in the day, and tried to just boost the existing coals rather than starting all over. Anyways...Enough rambling...








And 2 horrible "plated" pics that are really just me grabbing my phone halfway through the meal. I had to throw the loin on the gasser for a few minutes before serving. The temp read 147-150 all over, but there were parts of the rolled loin that were way too pink for my wife's liking.



Thanks for looking. I learned some good lessons on this one.
I learn something new every time my friend, you did real well with that big cut. Would have loved a plate of that

