Pork loin cook this weekend

I would like try my first attempt at smoking a Pork Loin this weekend.

I read the cooking topics on the main page and it has a guide for doing a Pork Loin - Rib Roast with a Orange Juice Marinade. Has anyone tried this without the bones? I have a Pork Loin that i had cut off of a larger loin that i cut for chops that i wanted to do. My guess it is a third of the large Pork loin.

Should i expect it to cook faster without the bones? Do you think i can still follow the guide? I want to guess and say the loin is around 4-5 pounds.
I cook pork loins all the time. My favorite method it to stuff it with a bread/apple stuffing and a herb rub, cook to internal of 140 with a chunk or two of apple wood and your good to go.

It looks something like this
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Loin Lookin' Good

That loin looks awesome. I grill them often (and love them), but haven't tried to smoke one yet. That makes me wanna try. Have you done one without the stuffing?

It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to brine it, but I've cooked a roast-sized chunk of loin before and it was great.

You could always head over to the Charcuterie section and learn how to make some awesome Canadian Bacon out of it.

