Pork Feather Bones

Anybody out there love em' like I do? I'm surprised there isn't more talk about these meaty treats. I think I like em' more than baby backs and spares. If you do make them how do you like to prepare them?
How do you cook them? They go in the trash along with the breastbone and brisket unless I throw them in the spaghetti sauce.
Jim, At the wide end of a slab of spares are a few thin bones that are softer than the rib bones.

I used to date a girl who's brother in law made smoked feather bones that were pure heaven. Last time I smoked them I treated them just like baby backs in the way of prep and rub. Difference is that although they can be very meaty, they are thinner and therefore don't need as much time in the smoker. I've found 2.5 to 3 hrs gets them there. I used hickory and they came out great. Easier to eat and cheaper too. The are also known as riblets.

"Feather Bones
Smallest bones on the Spare Rib and Loin Back, located on the ham end on the hog.They generally will have more of a curve, and in some cases, actually are more of a cartilage."
Thanks guys, I have been enlightened.
I may or may not trim them -- then I haul them off before the ribs are done, chop up the meat, and use it along with some smoked bacon made by ME and some sauce made by ME to make barbecue baked beans. The beanies were the fave side at the Gatherum, too.

