Pork cushion


Don Reed

Saw these on the Chef's store flyer anybody ever do one and if so what was your opinion, they're going for $1.35 a pound
This is becoming one of my favorite cuts! As much as I love pork butts for pulled pork, sausage making, carnitas, etc, etc. their fat content is very high. The cushion is from a section of the picnic and has about 13-15% fat content as opposed to a butt which has about 20-25% fat. The cushion makes really good pulled pork, obviously not as juicy as butt pulled pork, but if you are looking to cut back a little on the fat and calories you are eating, it is a great substitution. I make a lot of homemade sausage and use almost exclusively cushion. It's cheap, half the fat of a butt but still enough moisture to make some great sausage (as long as you don't overcook...fattier meat does a have a little more room for error). The yield mentioned above is actually the reason that some caterers and BBQ restaurants would use them for pulled pork. For about the same price as a butt, you don't have to pay for meat you are going to lose to shrinkage.
Thanks for your replies, I didn't get any this time but I keep seeing them pop up on sale so I think they'll be worth a try

