Pork Chops for MNF



Actually, it was supposed to be grilled pizza tonight, but due to a combination of events I'd prefer not to revisit, that didn't happen. So we had pork chops instead. Here they are ready to come out pf a simple brine: 1/4 cup plain table salt dissolved in 1 quart water. Chops in brine for 1 hour. BTW, the simple brine is courtesy of Meathead's website.

Applied my favorite pork rub inspired by our own Kevin Kruger.

Getting a sear.

After a little indirect, ready to eat.

I didn't take any pics of the salad or rice with peas and almonds since no Weber was involved ;).

Posting this at halftime while my Chargers are dominating. If Denver and Manning manage to come back and win in the 2nd half, please y'all be gentle with your replies ....
Great looking chops! I think at half time the Chargers came to your house for chops and forgot to go back to the game!:cool:
Tasty! Is a 1 h brine enough? Will try this next time

I find it is. Meathead's site used to recommend 1/2 hour for 1/2 inch meat, 1 hour for 1 inch thick meat and so on. Looks like he's updated it slightly. Anyway, for pork loin, I find 1 hour for 1 inch chops works great. Rinse then rub. I use rubs with no salt and I don't add any salt to the meat if I brine.
Looks like the events were in your favor Dale! I'd much rather chow on those chops than pizza! Looks super from here!
Great Lookin' Chops Dale!
your last photo is a five chop ideal dinner for me(the most i've ever eeten at dinner), what would you eet? ;)

