Pork Butts for Fantasy Football Draft 8.14.13



New member
So I'm doing two pork butts one is 8 lbs and one is 6 lbs after trimming. My goal is to smoke at 225 to 250... I want the pork butts to be done by 4 pm what time should I start the smoke. Will it really take between 12 and 16 hours? I don't plan on foiling until after its done.. Any suggestions would be great.
I did them at 300-325 and they were done(three 8-9 lbs) in about 7 hrs and fabulous. That is how I will do them from now on
I do my pork butts @ 250 and usually take 12 hours. Put them on by 3:00 am.

Or do a hight heat cook at 300 like Bill suggested...
If you don't mind am overnighter, start around 10 or 11 the night before and shot for 225*. They will be ready around 1-2ish and hold in a cooler until draft time.
What Briant said...you'll have enough on your mind with the draft without needing to worry if the food is going to be done.
I took the info from Harry Soo and cooked an 8lber in 8.5 hours. I rubbed it, injected it and smoked it until internal temp got to 160 (took about 5 hours) and then put it in a foil pan, dumped a mop on it and covered it in foil and put back on smoker. Then once the temp got to 195 I started to check for tenderness and 3.5 hours later it was money! I foiled it, without the foil pan, again and put it in a cooler for 2 hours and we ate like kings and queens. My temps were around 250 the whole time. Best butt I ever made too in about 4 less hours! Just my two cents..........good luck!


