Pork Butt questions



TVWBB Super Fan
So I have from Sam's a Cryovac package labeled Pork Shoulder Boston Butt. The package weight is 15.5 lbs and I believe that it is two pieces.

  • If it is two pieces using the rough formula of 1.5 to 2 hrs/lb do I calculate cook time based on the total weight or the individual weight of each piece?
  • If it is one piece I am thinking of cutting it in two for more bark is this a good idea or am I missing something in my thinking?
It's most likely 2 butts. My guess smoking at 225-250 will be about 12 hours.
If it is one piece cut in half to get more bark.
Thanks Tony, and that agrees with reading "Pork Butt - Slathered With Mustard & Rub" from the TVWB cooking topics

Cooking Times

How long will it take to cook pork butt to 180-205°F? As a rough estimate, figure 1-1/2 to 2 hours per pound based on the trimmed weight of an individual roast. For example, when cooking two roasts weighing 8 pounds each after trimming, the total cooking time for both roasts should be 12-16 hours.

Remember, this is only an estimate--it may take more or less time, depending on the thickness of the pork butt, the amount of connective tissue that needs to be converted to gelatin, the temperature of the cooker, weather conditions, and the number of times you open the cooker for turning and basting.

While it may not take much more time to cook multiple pork butts that it does to cook just one, it will require more fuel. Make sure to use more charcoal in the cooker when barbecuing multiple pork butts.

