Pork Butt Brand Names.



Is there a certain brand name to look for when buying pork butts?

I'm in the DC metro area and have heard that Walmart sells pork butts. The website lists a Hormel brand.

What should I be looking for with respect to brand names, if any? Thanks.

If you're shopping at regular markets/big box stores, then no, brand name IMO is not important. There's probably only a few major processors out there anyway supplying the majority of markets. If you want to spend more money for top of the line pork then I'd recommend finding an outlet for Heritage products. Berkshire and Duroc hogs are an excellent product with superior flavor. If this is your first go at butt, then just look for one at your local market that is not 'enhanced'. Enhanced meat has been injected with a salt water solution. A butt doesn't need enhancing and you'll be paying top dollar for cheap salt water.

Thanks Paul for the information.

I'm a native Texan too and have friends and family in Round Rock, Cedar Park and the Austin metro area. I hope ya'll are avoiding the wild fires.
I use Sam's Club butts and they're good. On BBQ Pittmasters, Johnny Trigg said that he picks ribs that have a lot of meat and a lot of fat. I look for fatty Pork Butts.

That said, I'm new to the game, I'm cheap, and 25 yrs. in the Navy didn't hone my taste buds.
I hope ya'll are avoiding the wild fires.

Austin and Round Rock are essentially fire free. The winds shifted today and we're getting a lot of smoke from Bastrop. Just north of Cedar Park in Leander, 11 homes burned down the other day. It's been crazy out here.
Stay safe everyone.

A least in Florida I have seen mostly Smithfield. I hav enever had any problems with them. I hear Hormel uses solution, it gives it a hammy taste. I've never seen or used it so I cannot vouch for it.
A lot of name brand butts are brine injected. Many retailers are only selling brine injected pork these days. I personally do not like using butts (or any pork for that matter) that have been treated this way. I think it makes the finished product taste "hammy" if you now what I mean.

