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Matt Goin

TVWBB Super Fan

My first pork butt was a huge success.. now i have the other one in the fridge and need to cook it. I work from 7am to 6pm. So here is my delima. My wife is at home so she can refill the water pan and add smoke wood, would it be better to cook all day, or should i start cooking at midnight and get up through out the night to check the water pan, smoke, etc. then i can position the thermometer for the final hours.. just checking... boys and ladies
Don't know the size of your butt but I almost do all pork butts on overnighters. If you had a 10 pounder you could figure on about 1 1/2 hours per pound. You could start that thing figuring on pulling it before you go to work or maybe around 10:00pm and have DW pull it when it hit 195 or so on your polder. I would vote at having DW pull in in the morning. Then she would have all the pork pulled, everything cleaned up and a cold Mr. Frosty for you when you got home from work!
Depends on whether you want to get her hooked on doing the cooking. Just think... if she's at home all day, wouldn't it be nice to come in to a surprise of a brace of nice juicy smoked chickens, or a nice slab of ribs, depending on what mood she was in to cook that day?

I say print out Chris's step by step on the Renowned Mr Brown cooking process, put the butt on in the wee hours o' the mornin' for her, and let her take over from there. Leave the computer on TVWB, and we'll get her through it!

You go, Miz Goin!

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
Let her do the work and you get a good nights sleep, vs. a sleep deprived night and a rough day at work for you.
A no-brainer IMO. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Dennis said, "Then she would have all the pork pulled, everything cleaned up and a cold Mr. Frosty for you when you got home from work!" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I'm thinkin' that if the lady does the cook, SHE'S gonna be the one that gets the cold MR Frosty! Speaking purely objectively, of course... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

I always take care of the overnighters, personally. It isn't everyone's cup of tea, granted, but it's kind of nice to get that particular sort of meditative peace that seems to come so easily while swaying in the sky chair on the back porch at 3:00 am with a glass of iced tea nearby, fading in and out of sleep, cocker spaniel snoozing in my lap, and the WSM merrily chugging away. Enjoying all-nighters is like our cross-country motorcycle touring, I guess - if we have to explain, they wouldn't understand it anyway. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dennis Solin:
[qb]Don't know the size of your butt, but...[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Imagine starting a post like this in anything other than a BBQ discussion forum. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Just put on 3 butts at 7:45 est. i will watch through out the night!!! I love rubbing three butts in the comfort of my own home. Actually i even had spectators!!!

Anyway i will turn and baste at 12:00a

I put the 2 smaller butts on the bottom rack and the BIG BUTT on the top!!

Is that the preferrred method or do we want to reverse the order!!!
.....BABY GOT BACK" /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I cooked a butt this week during the day. I work 8am to 6 pm, I got up early on Tuesday, lit the coals and threw the meat on by 8 am, wife was home to check temps, water, mop, etc. She has been very involved with the whole BBQ thing, so she basically cooked it herself. It was done about 8:30 pm and we had a great late dinner.

I recommend the day cook, you can have a great dinner and your regular rest at night.

Good luck

I had to leave for work at 7 and the temps were at about 180.. so i stirred the coals and went to work.. called the wife about 9:00 to get the temp reading and the temps had fallen to 168 and the lid temp was 150.. had her pull them .. wrap in foil and put in the oven until they hit 195. she did and pulled them out at 195. Pulled all the pork.. #1 for us, #2 and #3 were for friends. She and my stepson pulled the pork and outr friend picked theirs up. My wife went to work at 12:00. I came home to find an aroma of smoked pork in my house. I looked on the slove and loosly covered in foil was my cold pork butt ( that according to my son had been out for quite some time!!!) /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

Lesson #1..... never send a boy to do a man's job!!

Lesson # 2... the WSm is not "set it, and forget it" machine.

Lesson # 3 .. Never leave your food with a Gators/Bucs Fan ( he is a die hard gator, and he has been in love with the bucs, since they changed their uniforms) /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif
LOL, so was the butt left out any good, or what? Did you have to toss it? Sounds like you may need to be there after all. And the Gators/Bucs fan kid has a bright future! /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
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