Polder's In Canada

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Dave Cason

New member
Hey All !!

I called Polder in the US and they said their rep in Canada is a compnay called Frank Trisi Sales in Ontario, their number is (416) 763-2883.

They gave me the name of a store in town that carries their product line. I found a store in Calgary called Jolly Chef at 256-5556 so needless to say my Polder is finally on the way ! FYI

Hi Dave,

I'm curious what you paid for a Polder in Abta. I think I paid around $50 Can. in BC. I ordered a bunch of Taylor therms thru Amazon and had them delivered to a US friend that competes in the same BBQ assoc. Worked out real cheap. Do you compete in the BBQ on the Bow competition?

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