Polder Dual thermo timer BEWARE


Gary R Miller

TVWBB Super Fan
I purchased a Polder Dual Thermo Timer and wish to send a warning to all who may be considering one or should someday see it and want one.
Well I was doing a 11lb Pork Butt last night and 8 hours into the cook I decided to insert my probe for the last remaining hours keeping an eye on the internal temp. Low and behold everything read 300+ degrees. So changed the battery and still nothing. I did a product search to see if I could find someone to complain to or get help. What I did find was users reveiws all saying nothing good about this item. So I guess I eat this one heres hoping you don't have to.
I hope I put this in the right thread.
I bought mine through Amazon.com and had the same result as yours. I contacted them and got a full refund. I will never use Polder again. Some people have good results, but, if you look at the reviews, there are too many complaints. Probably poor quality control....tom
I hate to say it but my very first smoke was almost ruined by a brand new Polder. Luckily I figured out the problem was the thermometer and not the smoker. The Polder was still reading several hundred degrees sitting on my counter long after I thought I was done.

I made the mistake once of washing a probe in the dishwasher. Absolutely ruined it. It gave a wildly different reading every 2 minutes. After I read the directions it stated clearly not to do that.

Now after using a probe I gently clean the probe with a sponge and rinse it off prior to storing. I certainly do not immearese a probe under water.

That was a Polder. I'm now working on my third brand of probe, a Maverick Duel Probe Redi Check. It's OK but it's a pain to adjust temperatures. I do like the duel probes though.

