Please help me with first "BIG" cook on Performer


Luke P

TVWBB All-Star
So, next weekend I am having about 20 people over to celebrate my 30th birthday. My actual birthday isn't until October, but since I'm a fall baby I've never had MD Blue Crabs on my birthday. I'm gonna be a selfish birthday brat and move up the B-day 6 weeks! So here's the plan and where I need your all's input. Thanks in advance for any thoughts, suggestions, or critiques.

Plan is a bushel or maybe 2 of crabs.

Few weeks ago at my parents with few of my brothers/sisters + bunch of kids.
My brother helping my son get the crabs into the pot.

Protein is about 6lbs of Sirloin Tip and 4 lbs of Pork loin. All smoked over Kingsford and cherry chunks. Debating between using weber baskets and snake method. This isn't 8 hour long cook but Im not sure about lighting more coals as I go along.



Sirloin Tip:
Simple Rub - S&P + garlic and onion powder Try to settle kettle in at about 300.
Cook indirect til about 125/130, pull and foil to rest, meat slicer thin for sandwiches with onion and horseradish
QUESTIONS - Should I sear that big chunk of meat to seal in juices? Expected time for something like this? I gotta know if I'm in for 2 hours or 4.

Pork Loin:
Break in half. Everyone says you have to brine, but I have no idea where to start on this. Rub, I am up for ideas. Sear and then go indirect til it's Med Rare. Foil+rest and slice thinish for thick sandwiches or thin chunks to eat up.

Got plenty of sides ready. Plan on also just throwing bunch of fresh veggies on grill.

Any thoughts, recipes or problem solving is appreciated.
I never cooked a Sirloin Tip but I hope other members can help...

Pork loin the last time I did it I did a marinade which was basically my favorite seasonings and I added 1/2 cup of water and splash of olive oil. Left it alone for about 3 hours or so...

I filled my charcoal baskets on both sides all vents opened. If I remember correctly it took about 2 hours... I pulled at 140 to do the quick sear and the finished temp was 147.
Luke, look over your shoulder for the police - you STOLE that pork loin! I want to get a whole pork loin for 3 things: Canadian bacon, lunchmeat like Daniel (Wolgast) slices it, and grilling it for a meal. Look up some of Daniel's posts for the pork loin - his pics will make you drool, but his "play-by-play" is what you want to see - great information right there. The way I figure it is - you CANNOT LOSE by cooking pork! Have fun and good luck!

Oh yeah, by the way, HAPPY(early)BIRTHDAY!!!
You are definitely NOT in for a 4 hour cook with these 2 pieces of meat running 300 degrees, no way. I would cook indirect on both of them, brining the pork beforehand. Throw a chunk of wood on there too for some flavor. Rub the loin with a spicy rub, and pull at about 140 degrees. The beef, I'd take it to about 125 then sear it over the coals to finish. But that's just me. :cool:
You are definitely NOT in for a 4 hour cook with these 2 pieces of meat running 300 degrees, no way. I would cook indirect on both of them, brining the pork beforehand. Throw a chunk of wood on there too for some flavor. Rub the loin with a spicy rub, and pull at about 140 degrees. The beef, I'd take it to about 125 then sear it over the coals to finish. But that's just me. :cool:

Thanks jimmy. The time was what I am least confident in. Those were temps I was thinking. I'm stoked to give this ago and will definitely post results. Good, bad, or otherwise.
Thanks jimmy. The time was what I am least confident in. Those were temps I was thinking. I'm stoked to give this ago and will definitely post results. Good, bad, or otherwise.

Good luck Luke and have a great birthday celebration!

