Pizza kettle

Anyone have experience with this guy?

$99 at Home Despot

Sorry Rich. It doesn't fit with the thread but iI would really appreciate if you can tell me how transform this oong link

In this two word link

'This guy'.

Thanks in advance.
I messed up, I see that I showed part 1 twice, here is the link for part 3 with it in "action"

The wife said I can just do pizza on the kettle without changing anything just put a stone in, but from what I have seen the top of the pizza won't get done by the time the bottom is overdone. I will practice once the snow melts.

Yep, you can do it without the KP or cutting the lid. Just raise your stone off the grate. Don't set it on the grate or you will get an uneven cook. I've done a lot that way as well as others here. You can search my posts and see my setup. What I like about the KP is that I can see how the pie is cooking.
Could part of lifting the stone be to get the top of the pizza into the hotter air? Also would having the top vent open bring hot air across the top of the pie?

