Pizza Dough


Dave S

TVWBB Super Fan
I am going to try my first CI pizza on the kettle tonight (pics will follow if it works) my question is there is enough dough for two pizzas. My wife is leaving tomorrow to visit family and I want to save the other half of dough (homemade) better to put in fridge or freeze so I can make me another one while she is gone?
If you plan to use the dough in the next few days the fridge is easier when you are ready for the next one.
Thanks, was thinking of keeping it for next Sunday football to make a pie for myself
if you have a nice cold fridge that doesn't get opened a lot and you don't use a lot of yeast/sugar a long cold ferment in the fridge (up to a week) will produce a very tasty dough.

The warmer/more active your dough is the more quickly you need to cook it. You can only punch it down so many times before the yeast use up available food stores...
A basic pizza dough really should be used within 48 hours in my opinion, though some doughs are different and can hold longer. I owned a few pizza shops for almost 8 years and have been making pizza for much longer than that. Old dough gets a sour smell and taste, will lose moisture and cook improperly. Best to make a fresh batch for Sunday, second best would be to freeze and thaw.
Hi Dave; freeze that dough if you're not going to use it for a week. I wouldn't keep it refrigerated more than a day or two at most. It'll be fine a week from now. Just let it thaw out in the fridge overnight before you use it. I like mine to rest at room temp for a couple hours after refrigeration. Good luck.

