Pig Help


Craig Cole

I helped my grandfather cook a small pig 32lbs this weekend at a family reunion. IT was cut in half with no head no legs, and we cooked 1/2 of it in a brinkman pro offset smoker between 200 - 250 at the grate to a temp of 190. It took 5 1/2 hours.

Instead of being able to pull it apart, the meat was tough and had to be sliced. What did we do wrong? Was it too small? Did it need to be cooked longer?

I've had the same problem in the past with my butts when I first learned to smoke. The problem with the butts were they need more cooking times, so does this translate over to a pig the same way.

Any help is greatly appreciated! THanks.

More time was needed. I do several hogs a year and we usually cook overnight for the next day. At least plan for 10 to 12 hours. It just takes time more so than a higher temp for all the fat to render out and connective tissues to release. The size of the hog doesn't really matter either, a 100lb hog takes as long as a 200 lb hog. Check the internal temps of the shoulders and hams with a thermo and cook to 198 - 200 or even a little over but it will get overcooked and turn out mushy easily. Also if you can make it work leave the head and feet attached, it keeps more of the fat and juices inside where it needs to be.

Butts are the same way cook to internal temps of 195-200 or so, and give them time to finish the cooking process, there are a few people here doing high heat fast butt cooks but I haven't tried it yet.

I always use La Caja China for whole pigs. 100lb. pig in 4 hours. Meat perfectly cooked, skin crispy. They sell different sizes and accessories for it, they even sell smoker attachments for them now. Its a great cooker, check it out.


Gerry D
Hi Gerry D.,
Off topic a little for this site I guess, but I also have the La Caja China. I'm going to make a whole pig next month for the first time. Left it out uncovered in the rain once. Hope that didn't hurt it much. Have you tried the smoking attachment? Is it worth looking into?
I too am interested in the smoking attachment. Anyone try it. This cooker seems so easy VS an oil drum (which I have no idea how to make or where to get one) or a spit rotisserie (which seems really hard to use and keep up with).


