picked up a new OTG today


Chris Cain

New member
I ordered my new WSM 18.5 about a week ago. Since I decided to go with the Amazon super saver shipping for free, Amazon has been taking their sweet time shipping it out (actually, it should be here tomorrow) but today I returned some stuff to Lowe's for store credit so I decided to pick up an OTG 22.5. I already have a 2005 Performer that I picked up for free (someone was throwing it out) but my family and I often take my truck down on the beach and BBQ. My SJ is too small for the amount we cook and it is a pain in the .... to lug the Performer down there. When the OTG isn't in the back of my truck it'll sit on my patio with my rotisserie attachment on it. I've had the Weber rotisserie setup for a while but haven't used it yet. Today, when I put it on my new grill I noticed quite a gap between the bottom of the kettle and the ring. Is this normal? I'd say it is almost a 1/4" if not a little more in some spots. I'm thinking of picking up some nomex gasket to fill the gap. Do you guys think its necessary? I'll try to get some pics tomorrow. It got too dark to take them today. Because threads are more fun with pics, I will throw in this pic of my new grill still in the box.
...Today, when I put it on my new grill I noticed quite a gap between the bottom of the kettle and the ring. Is this normal? I'd say it is almost a 1/4" if not a little more in some spots. I'm thinking of picking up some nomex gasket to fill the gap. Do you guys think its necessary?

My rotisserie ring fits pretty loose also and has never been an issue. Congrats on the OTG.
Chris that's the way Weber made the rotisserie rings. I had one and it worked just fine that way. I've since made one up for my 26 and made it to fit tighter but I wouldn't say it cooks an better.
You will enjoy the rotisserie.

