Pernil Revisited



TVWBB Diamond Member
Had a craving for Pernil so did some this weekend. Traditional calls for pork picnic, I went with shoulder, for my taste much better results. If you haven't done one I highly recommend!

After rest


looks good. The only problem with shoulder instead of picnic is no cuero (skin). The crispy cuero is the best part!
Still looking tasty though!
@sean yea cardiologist isn't a big fan of that big piece of fatty skin LOL. What I found with using shoulder was I got bark which everyone loved. Rave reviews by guests.
Haha. Yea I bet he wouldn't be happy. I love pernil. Whats your recipe? I use lots of garlic sazon adobo cilantro.
Larry... screw what the cardiologist says... you got ALL OF THIS ▼ Stuff....

WSM 18" (Stoked) * Weber Genesis 1000 * 22 1/2 Performer w/Touch-N-Go * 22 1/2 One Touch Gold * Blue SS Performer * Komodo Kamado Gen II 23" (Hestia)
....yet NO PHOTOS of them COOKIN' THIS DINNER!! :p
I love pernil. Whats your recipe?
Mine is probably the least impressive (but damn good). Large Pork Shoulder or Pork Picnic, stab the hell out of it with a paring knife, marinade 24 hours in Goya Mojo Criollo Marinade. Cook at 350 to 155ish basting with Goya Mojo Criollo Marinade once an hour. At 155ish crank up to 450 to about 165ish. Remove foil and rest for 10 minutes prior to slicing. Slice and serve.

Sounds like you go with a homemade marinade. You use sour orange juice too? Want to give that a try just haven't had the time lately.

Made Cubano sandwiches with the leftovers last night. Awesome too!
yea cuban sandwiches with leftovers are the best. I do a homemade marinade. Havent tried with sour orange. I may try that too though. Ill have to make one soon and get a pic up. I actually had the best Cuban sandwich when I was out by you a few years ago. I think it was called mamas. It was by or on fremont like a block away from the old strip.
Just looked it up and it was mamacitas and its closed and got bad reviews. Maybe I had a few to many cocktails before I went there. haha
Larry... screw what the cardiologist says... you got ALL OF THIS ▼ Stuff....

....yet NO PHOTOS of them COOKIN' THIS DINNER!! :p
Jim, you know me too well to know I got some shots on the grill LOL!

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Had a pork craving so I'm going to do another one of these this evening. Cold brisk day in Vegas so it is a great day for this type of cook. Picked-up a picnic this time so we'll have some cuerito for the MIL who loves her chicharrón; will be interesting to see if she likes these.
I somehow missed this in March, Larry. Looks delicious! I've already done a little research and am definitely going to give this a try. Thanks.

