Pernil for the first time



TVWBB Super Fan
I have a 10.6 lb picnic that I have put spices on for pernil. I plan to start it on the WSM early tomorrow at about 250. Will cook until evening. Any thoughts or comments. It's a new recipe for me.
If you haven't yet, see here, here and here. You'll need higher temps if you're going the traditional, skin-on route. Throughout the cook is easier but you can up them nearer the finish to crisp the skin if you wish.
Good info in the posts Kevin references, brought back some memories. I checked my notes on my best Pernil cook and I started her at 450 and let her settle in for the rest of the cook at 325. Removed her at 172 and it was perfection. I've tried several temps and low first hot first etc. and found this one works the best for me.

Also save drippings from roast, makes a killer gravy. Don't forget the pictures
Bill, how'd your Pernil turn out? I'm doing some this weekend myself, can't wait.

