Performer for all around performance?

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But, you are still missing the cart that raises the grill to a more comfortable level, a bigger working area, the wheels that make it easier to move around on a deck or patio, the charcoal storage area, the lid holder, and not to mention the gas assist. I think all of those things are easily worth the extra $100 since I plan on having my Performer for over 10 years.
Originally posted by Justin Soeder:
I know you are probably reading this thinking "another idiot worrying about gas vs. charcoal--just buy both." Truth is I just don't have the money to buy both and I really ought to just buy charcoal and forget it, but there's that allure of gas.

While I may have been thinking "another idiot worrying about gas vs charcoal", my conclusion is not the same. My conclusion is, this guy has never tried charcoal tasting the food from it, or cooking with it.

I have a WSM, a kettle and a gas grill. The gas grill has not had a tank hooked up to it for 2 years. I cook with charcoal during the week, and, once you are good at lighting it, it doesn't take much longer than letting a gas grill get up to temp.

On the other point you made is with the table space. As I mentioned, I have a kettle without the table, and I am looking at building a table or something to go beside it, I know that when I do it, I will go way overboard, and no way will it be less expensive that it would have been to get the performer to start with.

My recommendation is to get charcoal, and, if you can afford it, get the performer. But, if you are really still on the fence, buy a budget kettle. My first charcoal Q was terrible, but it cost me $40 and got me hooked.
I got the performer mainly for the table workspace. Now im used to using the gas lighting so call me spoiled. Ive had people over at my house for dinner and they say " you dont use lighter fluid"! I say nope then show them how easy it is to light it with the chimney starter then the performer. It's closer to the ease of gas than most people think.
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