Performer Charcoal setup

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Mark Hudson

New member

I have new performer as of last night and wanted to ask some questions on what kind of charcoal and how you set it up for grilling.

I have a pellet smoker so I will not be doing any indirect on the grill, so I want to get the coals hot, fast.

I usually grill between 400 and 600 and in no way would require the entire grill surface for my cooks (at least not most nights)

The manual says very little about the two charcoal baskets, when to use them etc.

Wouldnt it just be simpler to use a chimney, light it with the gas burner, and then spread out the coals on the bottom grate?

And do you guys use lump on your grills or briquettes?

I want to use lump, as I think I coud put it out by closing the vents then use it again perhpas, but this is my fist charcoal grill in years.

any ideas or suggestions appreciated.
Mark the two baskets are typically used for “indirect: and are placed at opposite ends of the grill. You’ll notice the cooking grill itself on your Performer has two flip up ends. These go over the baskets and allow you to add additional charcoal. A lot of folks fill the chimney and place it over the burner to light them so you’re right on track there.

Type of charcoal is a personal choice. I use briquettes when I cook indirect, (cooler), and lump, (hotter), when I cook direct. If you’re cooking direct, I suspect you’ll have the bottom vent wide open as well as the top. To answer your question, yes you can close both vents and extinguish the charcoal. Good luck, you purchased a wonderful grill.

Welcome Mark. Nice to have you here.

Ok lets se:

I dont use the baskets anymore. Alot of ppl do though. I normaly cook with briq´s becouse i think alot of lump will fall thru the bottom grate. It will help if you use the baskets for lump.(or mod the grate) Lump burns hotter so if that is your goal for a quick sear why not. I always start my coals in a chimney. But i bank the coals to one side of the grill. Then you have a Direct/indirect area for your food.And for those big/thick proteins this is a must. I Always use the lid when cooking. And..humm..Ohh yea the briq´s will go out just as fast as the lump when you close the grill down. Next time you start the grill you will have a healthy dose of unburnt coals left.

Good luck Mark!
Thanks guys, never thought about the lump falling through the grate.

Wonder if there is a steel screen somewhere...

I am going to get a chimney today and try that, it took forever last night to come up to 400 degrees in the baskets.
You can use another charcoal grate and lay it 90 degrees to the existing grate that works well for me when I use lump on the kettle.
get a 2nd charcoal grate, or some expanded metal to help with the lump

i use lump and coshell exclusively in my grills.
kingsford and stubbs in my smokers.

I DO use the baskets, but not all the time.

I usually use the chimney - i took the wire 'cone' insert out and turned it upside down so it'll hold more charcoal and light faster on the performers gas assist. (instead of |^| mine is |v|)

As for reusing charcoal, i do it all the time. Sometimes it's easier just to pour a pile of charcoal over the starter and light it that way. When the flames are coming from the top of the pile, smoosh the pile down so chunks that weren't in the flame will ignite by touching chunks that are already burning.

to get your grill slammin hot, leave the lid partially open for about 10 minutes. (with lid sitting on rollers)
it should be able to hit 650 no problem.
I sometimes use the baskets side by side to create a nice HOT zone. I also add some lump over a layer of charcoal in these baskets to prevent it from falling through.

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