Performer Charcoal Basket Placement Question



TVWBB Gold Member
I just got a Performer and wanted to ask do you place the charcoal baskets one on the side of the table and on the opposite side by the lid holder or to the front and rear? What about when you use the rotisserie?
Congrats on your new grill JR.

I use the baskets a lot, and most always front to back with grate flips over them to add coal, wood, or to shake out ash.
For the roti, this is my standard setup for most things:

Depends upon the style of cooking you're doing as well. Opposite sides for indirect, like Bob C. shows, or put them together in the center for direct. As far as the orientation within the bowl, whatever works. I usually put them to the sides as I'm standing in front of the grill.
I use my baskets on every cook and usually set up as Bob shows for indirect cooking. If I'm doing steaks or burgers and need a high heat sear, like Drew mentioned I place them both together in the middle to form a circle, and pile the coals up high.

One of my favorite things about the charcoal baskets is the ease of cleanup they allow. Just close up all your vents when done cooking to extinguish the coals quickly. Then before your cook next, pull the two baskets together into a circle, lift all the old coals out with one hand gripping the center where the baskets meet. Then still only using one hand, shake the baskets over a trash can to dislodge the ash and smaller pieces of unburnt charcoal. Finally, put some fresh coals into the bottom of your charcoal chimney and then top off the chimney with the remaining used coals out of the baskets. It doesn't get much easier and economical than that!
When I bought mine, before the flood, the factory booklet set it up with everything along the "long axis" of the kettle/table length.
Kettle left, table right baskets "north and south" that way when you set up the rotisserie, it goes with the motor over the table and handle (blocking the lid holder, doggone it) to the free side.
That is obviously for indirect method work. Direct, if it's only a pair of steaks, I will leave the baskets in that set up, I can do potatoes,or vegetables up the center and not worry about them burning. I tried the 2 firebrick half bowl set up and felt like it used a far greater load of charcoal than the traditional split basket format.
I have photos of you are interested in how I like mine, happy to share, PM me of you want.
I also added four short bolts to the ring so I could "double deck" I did a load on the lower level, and "spun" over the "hole" with more goodies around the top rack. Adding extra coal was interesting but, far from impossible. The extra rack set up is pretty nice, actually. I can see lots of use when doing a boat load of appetizers, needs more practice, I see a weekend coming.....
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