Pepper Beef Fajitas


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
A 4 pound chuck roast that I marinated over night with a mixture of Dales Seasoning, Worcestershire
and Soy Sauce. Roast was seasoned with Kosmos Cow Cover.

Roast put on the WSM with a couple chunks of pecan and at a temperature of 250.

I cut up the peppers and onions and they are ready for the roast. I didn't have any fresh jalapenos
so I used a can of pickled jalapenos that my wife picked up at the grocery store.

It took 4 hours at 250 to get the roast to 165 degrees. Added beef stock, Worcestershire sauce
and minced garlic to the peppers and covered the veggies with the roast.

The mixture was double foiled and put back onto the WSM.

2 ½ hours later it was fork tender so using my bear claws pulled it apart. Looks like I overshot my
measuring of the beef stock.

Put back onto the WSM to cook down the juice.

It took just about an hour to get most of the juice cooked down.

Plated with whole wheat tortillas, pepper jack cheese and fresh green beans, which were cooked
with some leftover pulled pork.

This was without a doubt my best pepper beef. The taste was awesome and it was melt in your
mouth tender. The green beans were to die for! They were cooked all day long in the crock pot so
I think this helped enhanced the flavor of the beans with the pulled pork.

Thanks for looking!
WOW! Mike you crushed this one. It looks just as de lish e us as the pics make it. I added this one to my recipe folder. AWESOME!!:D
i'll never EVER get tired of lookin' at, smellin' this, makin' it AND EETIN' this dish....
Mike, you've made me drool:eek:

