Penzey's Jerk Rub & Other Updates


John K BBQ

TVWBB Wizard
Well, in one of my latest posts I asked for comments on new gas grills, basically telling "the world" I'm buying a new gasser, but then the world fought back, and we decided to by my son a car.... the 2014 Forester was dying a slow death, so we put her down. Too much $$$$ to repair. We bought the kid a low milage 2019 compact SUV and are hoping it lasts at least 4 years. Funds are now a little more scarce, and the new gasser could be a spring 2025 purchase rather than fall 2024...

Now I'm taking my own advice, and loving the grill(s) I'm with. My old genesis is actually a great supporting actor for my WSK when it comes to reverse sear (pork chop shown below). The Jerk Chicken thighs were pretty good too, just grilled over medium heat on the WSK, charcoal grate in lower position, no rev sear on these. I had a little jar of Penzey's from a gift set I had. Directions said to mix equal parts rub and water, salt the meat, apply the rub/water mixture and some lime juice. I marinated for about 4 hours and although the rub smelled great, the result was OK. I'm going to try it again, and use more salt, and marinate overnight. If that is not better than OK, I'll just not use Penzey's Jerk again. We put some of the Arizona seasoning on the brussel sprouts and bell peppers, which was OK as well. Wifey said it was "spicey" Beans and rice was an easy side. Here are the pics and a few more comments;

Penzey's seasonings - always worth trying. I will always have Northwoods in my pantry. They don't call it Cajun.... but it's a great gumbo seasoning.


Here's the Jerk Chicken (using Penzey's) probably never as good as homemade jerk marinade, but I have some left, and will use it up. One of these thighs got a little more charred than I wanted but still tasted pretty good. Sprouts were nuked for about 3 minutes, shocked, and then air fried until they were charred up a little bit.

jerk chicken plate.jpg

Which brings us to tonight's dinner and a little preview to "desert". Pork chop, dry brined for about 4 hours with Chudds rub, reverse seared, plated up with roasted potatoes and a salad. That's my new friend Ron Zacapa there in the back... I am trying to perfect my "Rum old fashioned".... I love a regular Makers Mark Old Fashioned but I had a really great Ron Zacapa old fashioned at a bar earlier in the year, and am trying to duplicate it at home. I'm finding that getting the right amount of bitters in the Old Fashioned is key. The Ron Zacapa OF might need a little less bitters than the Makers Mark version... I guess I'll just have to keep experimenting till I get it just right ;)

chop plate.jpg

