Peeling Handle Holder Finished


George Si

TVWBB Super Fan
Finally finished painting holders after, sanding with sandpaper, emery cloth, wire brush, stirring around in soapy water, then stirring around in Acetone, letting dry, then 2 coats of high heat primer, and a few coats of Rusto High heat max. Thanks to all of you who gave me ideas and helped things go smoother. George Before and After.........




Could not have done it without all your advice It scares me to think I was going to tape and use newspaper all around
It was fun doing. The worse part was trying to get all that peeling stuff off. Of course they were parts that just did not peel so had to be really sanded down with the sandpaper and Emery cloth
Hey, even I totally agree! For a black hood that goes perfect and looks like it was made that way. It's probably what Weber should have done in the first place.

I, too, will be copying:o!
This thread irritates me because I sold a grill last year that had minor peeling on those collars. I knew it would only get worse and I did point it out to the buyer, but he didn't seem too concerned and bought it. But, I hated selling it that way and couldn't find a good and reasonably sourced place for them. The reason this thread irritates me, is that I am mad that I didn't think of something so simple as stripping and repainting them.

Thanks for the great idea George.

