Pecan Hickory smoked "Extra" Meaty BB Ribs


Michael C.

TVWBB Gold Member
I found some "Extra" meaty ribs at Food for Less store the other day, and smoked them, on the grill this past weekend. 2hrs on the grill, sprayed with apple juice, foiled for another two hrs, and then, they were ready! Very tasty ribs! I used a mix of Pecan and Hickory wood. Enjoy the pics!

Extra Meaty Ribs

close up picture, of the meaty ribs


on the grill, indirect, I added some water to the drip pan.

Looking real good, at 2hr mark

4hr mark, added some bbq sauce

Off the grill, ready to eat!!!!

sorry, no plated pics, the ribs were eaten faster then I could get the camera going again!

Pecan and hickory worked out really well for these tasty ribs!

