Paul Kirk Pitmaster Course

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Darren Gaylor

TVWBB Member
I understand one will be happening in my neighborhood this April. I'm strongly leaning toward taking his class.

To those that have attended such a class, is it worth it?

It's absolutely worth it! I've attended once as a student and once just as an "extra pair of hands" helper during the course, and I learned a ton both times. You'll also have a good time, cook a lot of meat, mix your own rub, and get a sense of what barbecue competition and presentation are all about.

It's money and a very long Saturday well spent.

Jim Minion and I normally attend to assist Paul and to help the "students" and answer questions. It has been said that Paul's class is worth 3 years experience.
Smokin in the rain
Is this class ever held outside of the PNW ? I would be interested in taking the class , but not if I have to fly to Washington to take it !! Any place I can see a schedule?

You can find a link to Chef Paul's Web page on the Resources page. You need to organize a group of students large enough to warrant him coming to your area to put on the class, probably 20-30 students.

I took Kirk's class in April of 2000. Since that time, I have competed about 6 times--in the Northwest and also here in Illinois. In each event, I have taken at least three ribbons, won cash several times, and am considered the best cook on the block (the honor I treasure the most).

As Jack and Jim say, it gives you years of experience and prepares you to compete right out of the gate.

Well worth the time and money--and, you will be amazed at the food you turn out.


p.s. Good to see you Jack here on VWB
In lieu of taking the class which may not be convenient, would Paul Kirk's videos be just as good? Does he cover the same material as the class?
I'm a member of the PNWBA and
I've done the class and own the videos.
The video's are good but I must the class
was miles above for the hands on
and interaction as far as questions.
And besides the people are great.
That class got me started doing competitions.
So if ya can. do it!

This is a link to the PNWBA, they host the class. The information is from last year, so ignore any dates and amounts.

A user with his own charcoal lighting technique told me to call Bob Lyon, whose number is listed in the link, to get the information. (Just got off the phone with him.)

Looks like the class will cost $117 this year, $50 to reserve your spot. I'm going.

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