Pastrami - Stone Ridge Ranch - at Costco

Cost comparing to the pastrami from corned beef isn't horrible. The last corned beef I bought was $4.99 lb. I didn't weigh after smoking but I'll guess 20 % loss of moisture so roughly $6.25 lb. Add cost of spices, smoking chips, coal, vacuum seal bags. Maybe another 25 to 50 cents a pound?

So the store bought costs about 33 percent more?

Comparing this vs store bought roast turkey or ham, I'll take the pastrami.
First I can't tell if this is "real" pastrami (from brisket) or that top round crap sold now, and "deli sliced?" As someone who grew up on REAL deli corned beef and pastrami in Chicago, I never saw "shaved" corned beef or pastrami. They were always decent meaty slices of fine tasting product. So, while this may be "tempting" to me, I'd have to see what it is. The fact they call it "deli style" and it's "shaved" tells me it's nowhere near being true brisket pastrami
I have a chunk of the flat from my last brisket in corned beef brine right is day 7!! I think I'll let it go 10 days. We prefer the point to smoke for brisket so tend to cut off about 6" of the flat every time I buy one for corned beef....
First I can't tell if this is "real" pastrami (from brisket) or that top round crap sold now, and "deli sliced?" As someone who grew up on REAL deli corned beef and pastrami in Chicago, I never saw "shaved" corned beef or pastrami. They were always decent meaty slices of fine tasting product. So, while this may be "tempting" to me, I'd have to see what it is. The fact they call it "deli style" and it's "shaved" tells me it's nowhere near being true brisket pastrami

I don't think is pastrami from Brisket.
I’ve got a cornbeef on the SF that wants to be Pastrami. I’ve had this guy since St.Patrick's day. The use by date was yesterday, but I feel lucky (I’m Irish)


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Yeah living out here where Moses lost his sandals and all I can find is CB and strami from round and I just say "no thanks" I'll do without. I'd rather have none than have bad
First I can't tell if this is "real" pastrami (from brisket) or that top round crap sold now, and "deli sliced?" As someone who grew up on REAL deli corned beef and pastrami in Chicago, I never saw "shaved" corned beef or pastrami. They were always decent meaty slices of fine tasting product. So, while this may be "tempting" to me, I'd have to see what it is. The fact they call it "deli style" and it's "shaved" tells me it's nowhere near being true brisket pastrami
Yeah, we want the meats!

I don't think Chicago can claim Pastrami.

It’s not entirely wrong to think of pastrami as American. The classic New York deli meat made from cured, smoked, and spiced beef was an innovation of Romanian immigrants who came to the United States in the late 19th century. But pastrami, and its peppery spice blend, has a history that goes beyond beef and further back in time than the 19th century.

According to The Artisan Jewish Deli at Home, pastrami originates from the jerky-like pastirma, developed by the Ottoman Turks, who dried and salt-cured meat (often beef, goat, or mutton) as a way to preserve it, then rubbed it with spices. The recipe migrated to Eastern Europe along the spice route and became a mainstay in Romania, where it was adapted and goose became the preferred meat. Romanian immigrants settling in New York switched from using goose to the cheap and easily found beef brisket, in particular the navel cut, to save money. Due to the advent of refrigeration, Romanian immigrants were able to use a weaker salt brine and develop a softer form of pastrami. No one knows for sure how the name ended up transitioning from the Romanian pastramă to pastrami, but one theory is that it’s because it rhymed with “salami” and was sold in the same delicatessens.

I never said Chicago could "claim" it. I said I grew up on true Kosher delis serving the real thing in Chicago. As to who can claim it? IDK and don't care. Simply that real pastrami from a REAL kosher deli "hits different" than crap you find currently at the cold cut counters
I never said Chicago could "claim" it. I said I grew up on true Kosher delis serving the real thing in Chicago. As to who can claim it? IDK and don't care. Simply that real pastrami from a REAL kosher deli "hits different" than crap you find currently at the cold cut counters
Your opinion of real thing and the rest is crap (your words).

First I can't tell if this is "real" pastrami (from brisket) or that top round crap sold now, and "deli sliced?" As someone who grew up on REAL deli corned beef and pastrami in Chicago, I never saw "shaved" corned beef or pastrami. They were always decent meaty slices of fine tasting product. So, while this may be "tempting" to me, I'd have to see what it is. The fact they call it "deli style" and it's "shaved" tells me it's nowhere near being true brisket pastrami

Maybe you can be less insulting to other ways of cooking.

If you don't like it that's fine. It doesn't make it crap.
Always pick up a couple corned beef flats when they go on sale March 18 every year. Got 1 in the freezer just begging to be pastrami-ized. Have a 5 lb chuck roast I am thinking of smoking this weekend. Maybe will give it some company with that flat

