Pastrami & ABTs


Steve Forwe

Smoked up some pastrami, and then trew on some ABTs Both turned great. Used the Corned Beef recipe from here. Took about 6 hours. Used RO lump, and Pecan for wood smoke. The ABTs were made with cream cheese, shredded 4 cheese Mexican blend, and pulled pork. Threw them on for about 2 hours.

Sunday Smoke
Great looking meal there Steve. I think the pastrami my dad makes is one of the finest foods I have ever put in my mouth.

Did you use packaged bacon, or is that a project of your own?

I'd love to get some nice long strips of very thinly sliced bacon, I think it would be perfect for ABT's. I'd imagine they would crisp up better and provide a nice texture contrast.
Thanks. Unfortunatley that was store bought. The bacon I make is sliced pretty thick. So I didn't want to use it for the ABTs. I put in a request to Santa for a meat slicer this year though. The pastrami, like you said, Is the best I have ever had. I will be doing many more of those.

