Par boiling misery - AGAIN


j. pavone

TVWBB Super Fan
So much for staying home and watching the daytona 500 on my 52 inch HD TV eating pulled pork sammies with smoked thighs on the side. INSTEAD i am going to my sister in laws for par boiled chicken finished up on the gasser and watching the race with no cable tv. Last summer we got into a conversation after dinner about what happens when you par boil chicken then finish on a grill.The conversation did not end well as i told her the chicken was as dry as a burlap sack due to par boiling. She says there is nothing wrong with the chicken except i overcooked it.All the sauce in the world couldn't save her chicken. She swears by that par boiling doesn't take any moisture out of the chicken. BS i say. Do i show my face and keep the wife happy and go for dinner and try to eat or stay home and bbq by myself and have a tasty dinner or just head to the bar chicken wings and beer? If i go should i take pictures and post them here? For all of you staying home to bbq think of me when i'm choking down dry stringy chicken breast meat. Have a great weekend
If you do go, Yes, Take pix and post. I agree, just say 'NO' to par-boilI, what a way to ruin chicken IMO. I too am watching the 500, but am lucky enough in which my better half is also a nascar fan, so I get to stay home and watch in HD, and smoke up a few racks of spares. I will definately be thinking of you and drink a beer or three for you as well. Good luck my fellow BBQ friend. Oh by the way are you going to be at the comp in May out in your area. I am thinking of doing that one, it is about a 6-7 hour drive for me.
Keep the peace, grin and beer it. My Bro par-boils his ribs before putting them on the grill and is so proud of them. People that don’t do real barbecue are ignorant, so pity them, invite them over for the real thing, and show them. Then, if they continue their old ways after having real Q , accept that they are just stupid and will never appreciate how a good chunk of meat can be done properly. But for the sake of the family, just try not to gag and drown it with beer.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Chuck R:
Keep the peace, grin and beer it. My Bro par-boils his ribs before putting them on the grill and is so proud of them. People that don’t do real barbecue are ignorant, so pity them, invite them over for the real thing, and show them. Then, if they continue their old ways after having real Q , accept that they are just stupid and will never appreciate how a good chunk of meat can be done properly. But for the sake of the family, just try not to gag and drown it with beer.

I'm with Chuck. Keep the piece and stop arguing. But - invite them over to your house for the next event and kick some butt (literally?). Drink more beer, avoid the dried chicken (or just throw up your hands and "admit" to them you don't know how to cook parboiled anything, and watch the race and have a good time.

As for me - parboiled chicken only goes right into soup. Which is what you're making when you do that anyway IMHO. Parboiled ribs - OMG, I think I'm having a heart attack... can I just drink the water and throw the ribs away? Isn't that called tea? You throw the tea bag away, right?
I see three options that are viable. First just go and gag it down like Chuck said. Maybe your wife will give you a little lovin' for it.

Second, hide some melted butter, or something, in your pocket with an injector and shoot 'em up while they're on the grill and no one is looking. If you're not caught you might get some lovin' too. If you're caught, well, I don't know what to tell you.

Now for the third option you have to be an *** like me. Take a bite and get a concerned look on your face and look at her and say, "Ummm, did you BOIL this chicken?" She'll come back with something like, "Yes, it's delicious isn't it?" You deadpan, "They're fine."

I did this at my sister's house when her husband boiled ribs and finished them in the oven. They don't do ribs anymore since I gave them some of mine.
However, I didn't get any lovin' from my wife that night....

On a side note, I'll be thinking about you as I'm chillin' out, reclining in my Relax The Back Relaxation Chair, chowing on real food, surrounded by sound, and watching the race in monster sized HD. Ok, ok... I probably won't think about you. You know how it is, right? I mean come on, good race, good drink, GREAT food. Nah, nope, won't think about you... But I really, really hope you have fun.
Sometimes its just better to be happy then right... you can't win, but you CAN lose. Sack up and choke it down like we all have to from time to time. Clearly your wife must know where you stand on it, but it's just one meal and if it's important to your wife to have a relationship with her sister I don't think you can do much.

In the future I would take the initiative to tell your wife in advance your plans and say that she's welcome to invite guests. This way you are avoiding having to be the a-hole AND you still get to enjoy your plans.

In life I have found that 90% of all reactions will be based on the delivery of the question... As famous Simpsons Lawyer Lionel Hutz says... "there's the truth.... and ..THE TRUTH!"
I'd suddenly become sick the nite before so there's no way i could make it over there and get the rest of the famliy sick lol Then when the wife leave's to her sister's fire up the smoker enjoy the race and down a few cold one's
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by james n:
I'd suddenly become sick the nite before so there's no way i could make it over there and get the rest of the famliy sick lol Then when the wife leave's to her sister's fire up the smoker enjoy the race and down a few cold one's </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Take a page from Ferris Beuller's day off.

Feed the fever. Feed the fever w/ ice cold beer and good Q.


"For better or for worse...."

I too hate when I have to view things on an inferior television.

Good luck.
I would go, let the Wife drive..consume mass quantities....offer to help with the cooking of the bird....people can be educated....
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Scooter B:
Sometimes its just better to be happy then right... " </div></BLOCKQUOTE> I like that, statement!
You need to 'get in on the ground floor' like I try to do. If there's an event coming up, ask them EARLY to congregate at your house. That way you're in control of the menu. It's worked for me for several Superbowls and other such things. I've actually sold a few Weber kettles and WSMs in the process.
Edit: and a big HDTV ain't a bad bargaining chip either!
I've been put in this position more times than I care to count, I have an in-law who believes all meat should be cooked to the point of beef jerky and then keeps it on the grill for an extra 10 minutes just to be safe. Here's what I do, I bring some good apps, good snacks and lots of booze (and a designated driver). I fill myself up on apps and booze and then by the time dinner is served I say I'm too full from the apps to eat. The booze takes the edge off of how pissed off I am that I'm there watching the game (or this 500 thing) vs. at my own home with some awesome food. Keeps the peace at the home and scores points with the SO . . . even though she knows what I'm really doing.
Thanks for the support people - To keep everyone happy including the wife i will suck it up and go for dinner
What i forgot to mention is that she is a excellent baker so i can expect a most delicious dessert. Im thinking lots of apps and cold beer - maybe i'll eat the loaf of italian bread. Surf and Turf tonight - i will post pics under the grilling section later on.

Happy Valentines day
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bob H.:
Why not make up a batch of Roadside Chicken and bring it along? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have actually done this - IT WORKS!!

Also - the line (since she's a great baker), No way, I'm saving it for desert!!
larry is on to something with bringing the apps. just make a mess load of ABT's and fill up on them!

