Painting at 70% humidity

I find the idea of social weather sharing / reporting to be very communal for whatever reason which is why I originally found myself drawn to Wunderground in the first place. The info received there is certainly more accurate than the talking heads on TV. I’ve always wanted my own reporting station but could never justify the $900+ onboarding price WU shows for equipment. This might just be the jumping on point I’ve been looking for. Keep an eye out for “The Weber Guy” reporting station coming soon to zip 12020 to see if I finally pull the proverbial trigger. Thanks, @Joe Anshien!
Yeah, I'm bummed that I didn't get on board as a weather station a few years ago. WU was looking for a station near me and offered a really good deal on the equipment (can't remember how much now). I also feel that it's pretty accurate due to the communal input of private stations. Someday I may still join - I'm really interested in weather and around here it's never boring:ROFLMAO:
So these devices communicate to NWS? Or to the apps?
I got mine as a gift last year. It is connected to our Wifi and the Weather Underground network. That is where they get there local conditions. Here is mine. If I am away from home I can still check the weather from my local device also. It's kind of like hyper-local weather.
WU station1.jpg
WU has been around a Looong time. I have been using them for my local weather for many years. I used to use (Weather channel) but they started putting in soooo many adds that it was impossible to view any real local weather info.
Or you can look at spray conditions on the spray cans. It will give temp and hum ranges where it will work well

I did some reading last night on spraying at different temps and different humidity and it goes without saying high humidity is an issue, but from what I read, too low humidity can also affect spraying as the paint can dry mid flight and may not adhere well and/or the paint may crack when drying.

I've never really paid attention to temp and humidity but for my climate it might be better to paint in the morning when it's cooler and 45% humidity vs afternoon when its hotter and 20%.
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Weather Underground has been my favorite for years.
Minimal ads, and dead on, up to the minute accurate info.
There are 3 sensor setups with in 2 miles of my house. is fine for forecasts, but I don't want to know
what the weather is doing "at the airport," 30 miles away.
I agree, but if you look at the weather map with temps on it. Sometimes you see one reporting station that is on drugs. Like listing a temp of 60 degrees in the middle of a bunch of 90's. LOL

