TVWBB Super Fan
Going to a get together tomorrow night with several couples for chicken and beef fajitas, I was asked to provide the beef. Found this 14.3 lb chuck roll, the smallest they had, at Sams Club. Last one I did I cut into four sections but decided since this one was small to leave it whole and cook overnight. Blue bag K with three pieces of pecan on top and two smaller pieces buried for the wee morning hours. Rubbed with TexasBBQRub brisket blend from a brand new bag. Plan on foiling around 160 and pulling around 215. More pictures in the morning.
Going to a get together tomorrow night with several couples for chicken and beef fajitas, I was asked to provide the beef. Found this 14.3 lb chuck roll, the smallest they had, at Sams Club. Last one I did I cut into four sections but decided since this one was small to leave it whole and cook overnight. Blue bag K with three pieces of pecan on top and two smaller pieces buried for the wee morning hours. Rubbed with TexasBBQRub brisket blend from a brand new bag. Plan on foiling around 160 and pulling around 215. More pictures in the morning.