Overnight chuck roll.



TVWBB Super Fan

Going to a get together tomorrow night with several couples for chicken and beef fajitas, I was asked to provide the beef. Found this 14.3 lb chuck roll, the smallest they had, at Sams Club. Last one I did I cut into four sections but decided since this one was small to leave it whole and cook overnight. Blue bag K with three pieces of pecan on top and two smaller pieces buried for the wee morning hours. Rubbed with TexasBBQRub brisket blend from a brand new bag. Plan on foiling around 160 and pulling around 215. More pictures in the morning.






In for updates!!!

I'm still skeptical with this overnight cooking thing...as I don't trust my smoker enough to hold temps during the cold CT winter...

Do you use a Guru?
good luck with your cook tom. looking good so far

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian Bo.:
In for updates!!!

I'm still skeptical with this overnight cooking thing...as I don't trust my smoker enough to hold temps during the cold CT winter...

Do you use a Guru? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i use a guru, but it was broken for my chuck roll cook last week. over night low got down to 18 and my maverick did not wake me up with low temp alarm until 5:30 in the morning. and then i just opened the vents a tad,tapped the legs to loosen built up ash and went back to sleep.overnighters are easy peasy in the WSM with or without a guru. IMHO a remote therm that has a high/low range IS a must though unless you want to set an alarm to wake you every few hours to check on things.
The view from my recliner. Took about an hour but it's locked into 227-229 with one vent open abot 75%.
Looks good. The WSM is great for overnighters. Once it settles in, it's pretty steady. Granted, I've upgrade to a Stoker which sends e-mail to my Blackberry every 15 minutes, but it works without all the bells and whistles just fine.

Keep us updated with the pics!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian Bo.:
I'm still skeptical with this overnight cooking thing...as I don't trust my smoker enough to hold temps during the cold CT winter...
Go for it. It works, and no guru here. I find I have to wait 2 hours to get it dialed in using the MM, but once I do, it's nighty night.
I would give it a try tonight but I'm in bed typing on the laptop. I have my alarm set for 6am. That's when my 7lb butt goes on.

Good luck with the cook, Tom. Those pics are gonna make me hungry!
even though I mostly like and use lump, the blue bag K is the right call for me for an overnighter (something to think about Brian, for if you do overnight sometime....you will). I just threw on 2 butts and a brisket (freezer re-load time) w/ some original ash biscuits.. er I mean Kingsford.
just joking I think its pretty steady stuff myself, the comp is really nice Brian, but a bit pricy yet for me. I'll be overnighting these, so enjoy your sleep and don't worry about me walking around like a zombie midnight. Ussually it will get me up once and ussually my guess is that the big mass of meat finally heats up enough that the vents need closed a bit around 1 or 2 A.M. just guessing about the meat warming up though, thats all I can figure but it does it everytime. But ussually just once, I don't mind, I to am guruless.
Tom, that a beauty, have fun man! Looks great.
Tom, looks like you've got the makings of an awesome cook there. If the party goers have never had your Q then they're in for a treat! I've never taken a chuck roll to 215, but thats not saying its right. I feel for tender at 200 and then every 5 degrees, never got past 210, but like I said that means nothing
Have a great cook!

Brian, your going to have to get your feet wet one of these nights, come on in the water is warm.
I love overnighters, and though I just recently started using a Guru, I had many successful overnighters without one. I unfortunately dont have a remote therm with the low alarm, only high, so I was setting my alarm to check temps.

Dan, a 2 butt and brisket cook and you dont even bother to start a thread and post your progress and pictures!? What are we going to do with you!
honest truth is my finger is thumping pretty bad, I cant sleep. I cant hardly take a shower, lol. I can type kinda and it literally took an hour to prep. all three hunks of meat w/ one hand mostly
. I may sneak some in tomarrow we'll see. I was suppose to be asleep by now though. I guess what im saying is I didn't think of it, sorry man, maybe in the morning. I know how it is I love pictures, they always get me outside and smoking/grilling.
Got up once at 12:30, the meat was at 155 so I went ahead and foiled it. The smoker temp was 230. Back to bed until about 20 minutes ago, 7 AM local time. Meat was 195 smoker had dropped to 221 so I opened two vents to run up the temp.

Dan I like lump as well but prefer the consistency of the Kingsford and I've never really noticed an off tatse. I usually try to have enough wood for smoke until I foil.

Brandon, they've had it before, that's why I was asked to bring it. My buddy that's hosting the get together shows up 3-4 times a year with a brisket and a bag of charcoal for me to cook for him. He then divides it into individual little serving bags and no one at his house dare eats any of it.

I may aim for 210 and then let it rest in a cooler for a couple hours. The only other one I've cooked I cut into four pieces due to time constraint and pulled when the piece I had the probe in was at 212, the other were 214 and 215 and it just fell apart when I pulled it.
sounds like it's coming along great!. i still need to order some of the texas BBQ rub. we have a cold rainy nasty weekend here so i just pulled a food savered bag out of the freezer from my chuck roll cook last week . i'm heading out the door to get the fixins to make some smoked chuck chili...om nom nom nom
Sounds like it's going great, Tom. Please update us with some pics of the final product when you're done. I've not made a chuck roll, but it's high on my list. I just keep cooking the competition meats for practice, I rarely get to other stuff. I did make baltimore pit beef last weekend, and that was pretty tasty.

The final results. Pulled it at 209 and let it rest in a cooler full of old towels for 2 hours. Full of flavorful juice and it just fell apart. The pecan gave it a very mild smoke flavor. On a side note a buddy surprised me this morning with half an oak bourbon barrell from Brown Foreman distillery in Louisville. Can't wait to use the wood from that.



Thanks for the kind words. Jason it was 14.5 hours in the WSM and then 2 hours in the cooler.
wow that looks awesome. I'm going to have to add this to the que. I've only done briskets, ribs, chickens so far. Looks like this is the pork butt of beef.

