Overnight Butt + Questions (updated with pics)



On the spur of the moment I decided to do a butt this weekend. Went to 1 butcher, he said he didn't have any fresh ones. Another butcher didn't even really know what I was talking about (last time I call him) and two others didn't have any. Serves me right for leaving it to the last minute I guess. Finally I went to the local grocery store and asked at the meat counter and they cut a 7.5# butt for me.

Couple of questions:
1. I would assume as a starting point for an estimate this will take about 11 hours, does that seem like a fairly good estimate. Obviously, I'm only going to pull it when it at temp, not by time.

2. Probably a silly question, but the butt is wrapped in a 'net'. I assume I take this off before I cook. Like I said silly question.

Yes - I would say the net needs to be removed.

As for a starting estimate for the time - that depends on the cooking temperature. I usually cook butts at ~240* lid. My starting time estimate is 18 hours. After 12 or so hours I let the temp creep up to 250*-260*. I'm not sure if my times are consistent with others, but most of my butt cooks have been hovering around 20 hours total.
Put the butt on at about 10:30 last night. Filled the charcoal as high as I could using RO lump. I was at the bottom of my bag, so there was quite a bit of smaller parts, I actually think that was better for an overnighter as the space between the pieces of lump was limited, thus less airflow. WSM hummed along all night at about 235'ish. Temp was going up pretty fast and I was concerned I'd be done too early, then 3:30 came and I hit 163. It's now 7:10 and I'm only at 170, so the lovely plateau kicked in, which works for me. I don't want to be done too early.

I'm a little disappointed with the bark formation so far, but I hope that as I get to pulling temp the bark will become more pronounced.

Here's some pics so far

1st Overnighter. Will update with more pics after I pull it off and before it goes into the cooler for resting

