Over smoking?


Justin Toomer

TVWBB Member
I am a firm believer that using to much smoke wood in the WSM can be just as bad as not using enough. My question is how do large side box smokers and restaurants keep from over smoking if wood is the only source of fuel for the entire cook?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Justin Toomer:
I am a firm believer that using to much smoke wood in the WSM can be just as bad as not using enough. My question is how do large side box smokers and restaurants keep from over smoking if wood is the only source of fuel for the entire cook? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Offset smokers, the wood should be 'burn' clean and efficiently with a good air/exhaust flow. Meaning the fire is burning much hotter in the offset portion than it is in the food chamber.

WSM's and similar cookers, even though the wood is burning it's at a lower temp with less airflow and does not burn as clean and efficient as an offset.

The key to a clean efficient burn in an offset is to have a good bed of coals burning in the fire chamber and having your wood preheated (though not necessary), dry and properly seasoned. When you add a log/stick into the firebox it should immediately flame and begin to burn, versus smolder and smolder and smolder, that's what gives you oversmoked food.

