Out of the Lurk...


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
and into the open. Good morning all. I've been visiting since November, signed up in December, and ta-da, finally got my slow butt in gear. Speaking of slow butt and gears, I made a de'lish rotisserie pork butt last weekend. I know, I know pics please...but look how long it took me to figure out how to re-size a picture for my avatar.

I found this site looking for turkey assistance at Thanksgiving (success), and have been enjoying the recipes, commentary, pictures, Friday night dinners and commradery since. Thanks, Brian
Welcome to the forum finally Brian!
Sounds to me like you're quite familiar with what we like to do around here (besides eet;) )
Hope your stay is most enjoyable!:wsm:

LOL - you know someone had to... :D

