Out of the jar sauce

One of the local competitors owns his own restaurant/bar. He makes this sauce which is to die for. When I make ribs and butt I bring out the Krafts for everyone else and keep the good stuff for me and my stepson. I'm probably going to h$ll for that
Dang paul, you won't even give your guests the Blues Hog? That's just wrong.

Just jerkin' your chain pal!
We gonna see you this year? I have some So. Indiana/Kentucky comps I'm looking at.
I like Sweet Baby Rays, but my absolute favorites are the Cowtown BBQ sauces. The original is fantastic and I like mixing in the Night of the Living Barbecue Sauce for a little heat. Both of these sauces are by Okalhoma Joe's in KC and I consider it to be the best BBQ restaurant in the world.
Rick, let me know what your schedule looks like this year. Will be glad to show up and watch how a professional cooks
Yeah, and I'll swap you for some Blues Hog. I really miss that stuff. Tried making my own but it's not the same
Okaaaay ..... now I'm confused.

Is Paul Housman the same individual as paul h? If so, what's up with the new membership? Was it due to the VW website changes? Sure hate to see you lose all of those cool Karma points. Not that they mean anything, but still.

I'll let you know our schedule once I know it. You know me, I'll probably have a jar or two of the good stuff layin' around.

Professional, huh? Not hardly. We don't spend/have enough money!
Yeh, Rick it's me. I lost all those Kharma points. Jees, what if they did it to Kevin :-). I had to sign up all over again
I am a big fan of Texas BBQ Rub #2 Brisket Blend for Brisket and for large cuts like Pork Butt. It is a good blend of savory and spice for my taste prefernce.

There is a BBQ shack here in Houston that has been around for eons called Burns BBQ. You can buy their sauce at the shack or in a couple of local meat markets. Vinegar and pepper based sauce with a nice spice - great for brisket, ribs and sausage.

I'm firing up an 11 pound packer tomorrow and using the rub and the sauce. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

I enjoy seeing what others are using. Thanks to all for the posts.
For store bought rub, it's hard to beat John Willingham's "W'ham" or Mike Mills' "Magic Dust", both of which are available online.

For sauces, I use Big Bob Gibson's Red, or any of the Arthur Bryant sauces, also from online stores.
Originally posted by Michael Freeman:

I'll have to try that Rays + Cider Vinegar for a finishing sauce. I had been looking for a good finishing sauce, so I'll at least give it a shot.
I also like Sweet Baby Ray's original.

For a finishing sauce or "Sammich Sauce", I cut SBR with Apple Cider Vinegar for pork. For everything else, I cut it with Apple Juice. I'll bring it to a low simmer and then cut the heat (or microwave it) just before serving.

