
What did your dad say, or couldn't he stop laughing?
Scott -- lets just say that parents tend to get overly concerned when things go boom! And that was even before I became Burnin Vernon!
As my wife will say stupid is as stupid does. When I got my Smokey Mountain Big Block smoker I got it all set and ready to light. Refilled propane tank. Decidied to make sure igniter worked got my finger down there a wham it has a good kick to it lol. Now hook up the tank to smoker, crack the door, look down and the knob is broke on the tank. Being a mans man I got some tools and couldn't budge it. For some ungodly reason I turned the igniter. Next thing I heard was a whoooossssshh some orange and laying 3 feet away from the smoker. It seems when you disconnect and connect from the new safe tanks they will not leak gas. Little did I know this so when I hooked the tank up it started filling the smoker up with propane. Then not checking it blew the door open and I ran into the house asking if I still had a gottee and head of hair. So now I double check all my propane tanks before useing.
Originally posted by Scott Hoofman:
What did your dad say, or couldn't he stop laughing?
I'm pretty sure somehow it ended up being my fault.

But, I'll give Dad the benefit of the doubt ... that he showed me how to do it safely at least once.

A lot of painful lessons in this thread! So far I think Burnin Vernon wins (or lost depending on your point of view ...)
Originally posted by Shawn W:
A lot of painful lessons in this thread! So far I think Burnin Vernon wins (or lost depending on your point of view ...)

Shawn, It was a WIN! Granted, painful, but I have a lot of great stories from the experience, (and did I fail to mention that it was and EXPERIENCE??) and you really have to think that someone (the big G) was looking out for me since the injuries were minor compared to what they could have been (minimal eyebrows to this day, but no eye damage at all, 2.5 degree burns that did NOT go 3rd, etc) and discovery of some negligible medical problems that could have become major in the future.

Every cloud has a silver lining, we can choose to see the dark outside or search for the BIG WIN. It is our choice.

(Enought philosophy, I think that I have had too much wine in the hour since I have gotten home for supper with the Bride. Having been on the road 51 weeks per year for the past five years, I am enjoying a very few weeks of home every night (100 miles one way to work) before I am on the job 7 hours from home in a week and a half.)

Great Q'ing to y'all without the EXPERIENCES!
Another Burnin Vernon Experience!!

Had a buddy, Ulrich, slicing the brisket. Wonderful aroma. I was setting up the chafing dish with two half pans, one for the brisket and the other already filled with chopped pork butt. Brought the hot water from reheating the pork butts (on the gasser side burner, outside) and filled the chafing dish and poured the rest of it out. Lit a can of sterno to put under the chafing dish. Damn thing got hot before I got it to the chafing dish. Dropped it and had some gel jump out on the floor. Flaming, of course.
Ulrich tried stomping it once or so in Birks, thought better of it. I tried covering it with paper towels, to smother it, of ocurse, but the paper towels were not applied fast enough and decided to ignite, slightly burning the fingers. Still no need to grab the 10lb dry chemical extinguisher. Grapped more paper towels, soaked them and put the fire out. About 20 people in the kitchen and ouly about 5 even saw it happen.

I learned to use the long gas fire starter and start Sterno in place. I'd hate to see how smart I would be if I lived to 400. I might advance beyond Supreme DUMBA$$!
I went to the nascar race in chicago a couple of weeks ago. We got there friday afternoon and I fired up the smoker to do a meat loaf. The meatloaf got up to 150 then started dropping back. The fuel was dying out. It was windy so I think that had a lot to do with it. Anyhow I light another chimney to finish the meatloaf off. I lit it on my brothers grill since the smoker was already running. The chimney was ready and I look around. I am about 40 feet from the smoker and my friend who had the camper next to us put down some of that green carpet. I didn't want to carry the coals across that so I go around the side of my friends camper. I dump in the coals and go sit down. Just then someone said there is a fire. Sure enough by the front tire of his camper. We run over and start stomping it out. Both of us are wearing sandles. It started to heat up if you know what I mean. He ran off and brought a cooler and dumped on it. Wow talk about scary. Oh yea fire and sandles don't mix.
Great stories guys!

In addition to the two burns, I left out just how dangerous a sharp knife can be. All in the same day, I nearly sliced the end off my first finger. About 1/4 of the nail will be coming off soon....No I wasn't drinking.
I just joined the club.
The other day I was doing chicken on the One Touch Gold Kettle..I noticed a little ash buildup so I learned over to give it a sweep and placed my inner fore arm against the side. It also happened to be the side that the coals were on.

So now I have a nice rasberry red 4 inch long and 3 inch high burn that....really smarts ! Stupid !

