Rich Dahl
R.I.P. 7/21/2024
My Camp Chef is not what you would call a great heavy smoker. But for Barb and myself it's more than adequate.
My attraction to the CC is it's set and forget abilities to make great lightly smoked food without all the fuss and hands on of the WSM I had, also its capacity to hold two full pork bellys and more.
I would still love to have a SmokeFire, after all I've read about the great food it produces when it works right. Maybe if the rumors are true and a new version is on the way, and it's shall we say more error free than the existing versions I would defiantly consider getting one.
My attraction to the CC is it's set and forget abilities to make great lightly smoked food without all the fuss and hands on of the WSM I had, also its capacity to hold two full pork bellys and more.
I would still love to have a SmokeFire, after all I've read about the great food it produces when it works right. Maybe if the rumors are true and a new version is on the way, and it's shall we say more error free than the existing versions I would defiantly consider getting one.