Opening a can o' worms?

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Hey guys,
Just as a matter for discussion.
If I were about to buy a new smoker, and was looking at this big new Brinkmann Smoke n Pit Pro and the Shiny red WSM, can some one point out the pros and cons of both for me?
I know you guys are all PRO WSM, but from a factual stand point, what makes the Brinkmann such a poor choice vs. the WSM?
Weber Bullet:
High quality under $200
Porcelain enamel inside and out, rust highly unlikely
Virtually airtight
Cook to fit the amount of meat desired
Great results right out of the box
High quality cover included

Offset smoker:
$200+ unless you buy one with cheaper too-thin metal
Repainting necessary at some point, rust likely
Vents, doors, etc. not airtight
Not worth firing up unless cooking large
Modifications almost mandatory for best results
Cover optional, extra

There's only one shiny red WSM I'm familiar with and I doubt it's for sale. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

Quote from an actual BSnPP owner:

"This pit, in my honest opinion, is okay to use to cook with. However, you have to be a good pitmaster to avoid the inherent problems with this design. Maintaining the steady heat required to make que with is a nightmarish challenge."
I have them both and I no longer use my Brinkman. Temp control and fuel consumption are the two main reasons I use WSM. I'm guessin' you are talking about the horizontal offset Brinkman. Thats the one I have. Just my opinion!!!

PS- my WSM is black, only seen pictures of a red one.
I also have a Brinkman Smokin Pit Pro. I never really got a good handle on using that darn thing. Very uneven heat from one end to the other, used alot of fuel, not useful for small cooks, required constant tending, etc., etc...
It now resides in my rented storage space, collecting dust and bugs (probably rust as well). I looked into doing alot of modifications to make it a better cooker, but gave up on it before getting around to the mods.

I like my WSM. No mods needed. Great for smaller cooks, and large enough to use for fairly large quantities.

Just my opinion, of course.

What Doug said about thw WSM!

I too have an offset smoker - The New Braunsfels Bandera (mine is the made in the USA model before Charl Broil bought them out). It is a vertical offset and it is a fuel hog and also has hot spots. I built a baffle which helps.

I will never again smoke a brisket or butt in it after my firse experience with my new WSM. Mine, like cheaper horizontal offsets, are no fun to tend for 15+ hours! I still like to do ribs on it because I can cook a bunch of racks.

If you are dead set on a horizontal smoker, you won't be happy with anything less than a Klose, IMHO!
I'll mirror what everyone else here has said. I have an older Oklahoma Joe offset smoker. It's much better then the brinkman, although sadly, the company was bought out by New Braunfels a couple of years ago and you can't get one any more. As good as the Oklahoma Joe is, it's no match for the WSM on effeciency, temp control, and overall ease of use. Unless you REALLY need the larger capacity, don't waste your money on the Brinkman. You will NOT be disappointed with the WSM! If you do need larger capacity..........then buy two WSM's!!
Thanks guys!
I really appreciate your honest opinions!
Unfortunately, I purchased my BSnPP several months ago, mistakenly thinking that bigger is better! My bad.
At this point my only option (as far as the better half is concerned!) is to use what I've got until I burn it up! At that point I can argue my case for a new WSM!
As for the Shiny Red one, I was basing my info
on the pictures on the website.
My first brisket came out ok, but I did spend ALL DAY tending the smoker. My second was a disaster! Cooked it too close to the heat source and for too long. I had trimmed down the fat to about 1/4 to 1/2 inch all around (saw it on some BBQ show) which I think really caused more grief than good.
For now I will try some of the mods I've seen posted and hope for the best!
Thanks again for all the great information.

I've got the NB version of the Brinkmann. It's free to the first person who will pick it up and I've had no takers. Nothing wrong with the design as such other than it's real cooking sweet spot area is small and it needs more tending than a WSM. It's what I bought first and if I had to do it again I'd start with a WSM.
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