Oops. Hope she was serious!


Andrew Taylor

TVWBB Member
I just ordered a Cyberq wifi after the wife half-heartedly agreed to me buying myself a present.

I can't wait to get some sleep on overnight cooks!
Congrats on the purchase! I have two, a CyberQ II that I use in comps and a CyberQ Wi-Fi that I use on my backyard cookers, and I love 'em both.
I have a quick question for anyone who has one of these or a DigiQ: how high of a temperature can you all maintain. I won't be using it high too often, but I'm curious about the flexibility that I'll have.
I rarely use the ATC on high heat cooks. High heat requires a lot of lit charcoal. It's better to start with a lot of charcoal already lit than trying to get the ATC to bring it up to temperature.
I rarely use the ATC on high heat cooks. High heat requires a lot of lit charcoal. It's better to start with a lot of charcoal already lit than trying to get the ATC to bring it up to temperature.

x2! There is much less value in my opinion to use the temp controllers for higher heat cooks, with one exception, and that's if I want to do...say...350 for an hour and 15 on indirect chicken, or something similar. Generally speaking, they're such short cooks that I can watch over them for the duration. That having been said, I have used it successfully in the 300s without issue. Have never really used it to cook higher than about 380 or so, but it held fast with no problem when I did. Not sure if that helps to answer the original question...

