On order. E-330

Well, it arrived a week ago, and I picked it up at 830 the night it arrived. Unfortunately, it is still sitting in my garage because we have had some family issues I have had to take care of. I will post more on that at a later date.

My fellow TVWBB forum fans, gurus, and friends, I heartily enjoy getting on this forum. Some days it is a relief from the everyday grinds of life. I like looking through the recipes, looking at the tips and tricks, and enjoying the conversations about foods that many of us have a passion for. I have some goals this spring and summer. One is to teach my sons to smoke a brisket, pulled pork, and ribs on our WSM. The older I get, the more I realize that these times we are not just cooking a meal, we are developing bonds that will last a lifetime. Upon saying that, enjoy the times with your family, and your friends.

