on for 2nd smoke



New member
Well im ready for my second smoke of pork butt.. lets hope the second one will turn out better..

-This smoke im going to foil the pan with no water
-picked up some apple wood chunks
-cook between 225-250 again

Going to toss it in after i get home from work around 3-5 am in the morning.. have a feeling its going to be a 12-15 hour smoke

Its a 9lb butt or so.. bought 2 in a package from cash an carry today.

Should i trim the pork or just rock with it the way it is and should i pull the bark off the apple wood or does it make much difference?
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Trimming the pork butts is your preference. Trim if you want more dark outside meat, otherwise don't bother. And don't bother removing bark from wood chunks.

Good luck with your second smoke. Sounds like you have a good plan. Last nine pounder I did went about 14 hours, and it was awesome! I did use water in the pan. IMHO temperature control is a little easier with water. :D
DAn, Chris is right. I think you'll have better results this time. Keep us posted and take pics if you can. Remember, control those temps on the way up and the meat is done when its probe tender. Use temp as a guide.
Sorry for the delay guys.. got off work at 5am (12 hour work day) an had to run to winco an grab a few things and crashed when i got home..

Well i trimmed up the butt rubbed it an ket it sit for an hour before i started up the wsm.. i decited not to inject this one..

Put it on at 11pm and its now just before 12am.. iv got it stable at 248 dome temp with my food prob in.. i keep my night schedule during the weekends so its not so hard driving at night.. i haul wood chips as a matter of fact.. but i can keep an eye on it most the night..

Im not sure if im going wrap it up but iv got all night to figure it out
Its now 130am.. the butt has been on for 2 hours and has gone from 55 degrees to 124.. is that really fast or normal.. no bbq smell yet.. smells like a camp out in my back back yard still..
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Now 330am 4 hours into cook.. 149 intern temp with 250ish dome temp.. faint smoke from smoker.. apple wood chunks

Took a quick peek.. all kinds of bark now (super STOKED!!!).. no bbq smell tho.. you guys think its because it a new wsm?
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Temp has moved up to 260 area.. have 2 vents closed an one barley open.. its also 37-39° outside.. with rain and wind.. the wsm is under cover but not by much
Bet this one is going to be good. I'm just curious what you mean by "BBQ" smell as apposed to the campfire smell. If you want to keep your bark nice I wouldn't foil it.
Well its 8am now.. temp dropped to 225 dome temp with 169 internal temp. fuel is running a lil low.. tapped the legs an opened the vent up a lil bit hopping it brings the temp back up.. if not ill toss it in the oven to finish it off..

As for the bbq smell and camp fire smell.. all i can say is the smell of cooked bbq meat vs. The plane ol campfire smell with no meat being cooked.. dont know how else to explain it.. its starting to smell good now tho
Its still on the wsm.. at 192 right now.. gonna pull an wrap at 200.. ill take a pic of it but we only have phones right now as our laptop had a smoking problem of its own!
Pulled it at 198°.. wrapped it an put in cooler.. has a hard bark on it( harder then first thought) did a small taste test an is good but a lil dry on the top.. ill find out in an hour or so when we pull it
Now 330am 4 hours into cook.. 149 intern temp with 250ish dome temp.. faint smoke from smoker.. apple wood chunks

Took a quick peek.. all kinds of bark now (super STOKED!!!).. no bbq smell tho.. you guys think its because it a new wsm?

No. I think ti is because it hasn't been on long. you can always add more wood to increase smoke flavor/aroma. Up to you.
dont worry about being dry....the bark will definitely have that. When you pull, mix in a little finishing sauce (some vinegar,butter, sauce combo). Some recipes if you search. Your progress sounds great and I bet you it will be fantastic!

