Older Kettle



New member
Im looking to puchase an older kettle does this appear to have original parts? and Approximate age? Thank you all for your help.

What letter is on the lid vent? That will determine the year. I'd assume 90s. It also looks like a master touch with an ash pan and not the ash bucket like the OTGs have. Master touches were introduced in 1992 I believe. It's likely it also had the ash bucket but was removed to replace the ash sweep with the newer H drive sweep. Looks clean from the photo you posted.
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Did older grills have the lid holder? As far as I know just a hook on the inside. That makes me think it is either not older, or an add-on. The heat shield by the lid handle is suspect as well, and the ash pan is a newer style that fits between the legs instead of wrapping around.

Could be an older grill that was refurbed, but I am going to guess it's newer.

At any rate it appears to be in good shape. If the price is right, go for it!
What letter is on the lid vent? That will determine the year. I'd assume 90s. It also looks like a master touch with an ash pan and not the ash bucket like the OTGs have. Master touches were introduced in 1992 I believe. It's likely it also had the ash bucket but was removed to replace the ash sweep with the newer H drive sweep. Looks clean from the photo you posted.

There was a One Touch Plus in the 90s that had an ash pan instead of a bucket.
The Master Touch has an ash can, this one just has the catch pan, hence, One Touch Plus or OT+
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