Old Silver B making noise when burners are turned on :( it was one of my resto's



TVWBB All-Star
Hey pro's I need some advice. The old school Genesis Silver B with temp gauge on the side of the hood that I resto'd is acting up. When you open the propane tank valve no sound.......turn on burner #1 pretty much no sound but as soon as you turn on burner #2 she starts hummin' then when u turn on burner #3 she hum's a little louder. I disconnected the tank then turned on all valves to purge the lines. I reconnected and no change. I tried a brand new regulator from Amazon....see link

The new regulator made the grill into a flame thrower!!! Man it really pumped out the gas......I guess I need to learn the differences between the BTU's that are acceptable for old Weber grills....for some reason I thought this regulator would work fine.

So now there are only 2 other factors that I havent checked......note the burners are brand new......
I could try a different tank
I could open up the valves and see if I used too much lube...and clean up excess

What say you........pros......???????
I'm not a pro, Jim, but on that reg you linked that 1psi pressure is too high. You need 10.5 - 11WC, which is about 0.397psi.
Ha.....now wonder!!! Man that thing was blasting flames through the burner before I shut er down. I will hop on Amazon and see what I can find. Do you think my issue of the humming is the regulator....tank.....or manifold?????
Thanks for the reply!
I'll be honest, I don't have the experience with these grills to help much. Can you isolate it to a particular burner or the crossover tube? Can you isolate it to the reg? And you did bubble test everything, right, especially after doing the valves?
Bruce has linked the correct reg on Amazon several times. I'll see if I have it saved on Amazon.
Hmmmmmm all I can really say is that you def hear the hum when u turn on burner #2 and it gets louder when u turn on burner #3. If I had the correct replacement regulator I could have eliminated it from the puzzle but I struck out today.
Ironically I thought I copied Bruce's or someone elses link when I bought it so I didnt give it any thought......only I could screw something up even after a link was posted.
Uh oh... is that the reg you bought??

EDIT: Make sure the reg is set for 11WC...
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Ya thats the one I ordered.....see it says 1psi on that link..........The flared one is what I need for my grill.....of those two links and thats what I got but no bueno
Thanks Ed....I appreciate your efforts.....I ordered that 11wc whatever that means......I think the regulator will solve the humming problem.
These parts are so cheap it doesnt break the bank to pull the trigger. And Amazon will gladly take the other one back for as many purchases that I have made from them. Lots of grill parts!! :)
WC (Water Column) is a unit of pressure, just like psi or pascal or bar. It's used for measuring low pressure, typically below 1psi.
Out of curiosity...what type of device would use the 1psi regulator that I purchased before? Maybe a propane heater....or crab pot cooker?
The Amazon ad says fire pit...but something with a big burner. Our grills are only about 10k per burner.
That Gas One hose and regulator says it is a Low pressure regulator. I thought all "low pressure" regulators were set the same, but that one does seem to be a bit higher. I read some of the reviews and several said it worked great on their grills, but there some mentioning that it turned their grills into flame throwers. I know a "high pressure" regulator is for devices like torpedo heaters that do 100 plus BTU.

I thought for sure I had used that same hose and regulator before, but not certain.

Anyway, I am pretty sure the sound you were hearing from your grill to start with was the regulator. I had a Q grill do that and after a bunch of research, I found it is a common issue and I even found on the weber support site a mention of that issue. Weber did state that there was no safety issue involved and that it would not affect performance. But, who wants to listen to their grill hum along while you are grilling?
Hey there Bruce.......ya this was my graduation gift resto that I gave to my nephew so I dont want the kid to be scared of the grill as he is learning. I will try this other regulator I think it will solve the problem. If not I will try plan B and plan C......
Thanks guys
gunna hit the sack now.....its late here in Va

