OK, Things you LOVE about BBQ


Brian Staley

Seems to be to much hate talk, so what do you love about BBQ?

For me,
I love the smell. The smell of the smoke, and the smell of the meat coming alive.
I love how I drive my neighbors crazy.
And I really love when people tell me how good it is.
I love everything about BBQ. I don't know what I would do without it!!
I love planning what meat I am going to do on the week-end. How I am gonna do it. What seasonings to use. I love getting up when it is dark and cold out and toss a big brisket on the WSM. I love the sizzle a big ole rib eye makes when it hits the grates.
I love........this could go on forever... I love it all when it comes to Quein and a grillin!!
To add to Brian's point, I love annoying the neighbors too. We have some LOUD neighbors whose kid annoys the fire out of us sometimes.

This past weekend, we had lows in the 50's so they opened their windows to let in some fresh air. I was doing 4 Boston Butts that same weekend (giggle giggle, you see where this is headed).

I fired up my chimney with KB and had my BB's on my 22.5 within 20 minutes. Long story short, the windows were closed quickly. Seems that the smoke from my chimney and WSM did not go hand in hand with their idea of a nice, cool breeze.

The butts were good too. Shared them with 4 neighbors with new babies.
I love prepping the meat the night before.
I love building the fire.
I love the smell of wood and charcoal burning.
I love sitting in the backyard "cooking" while I watch the birds and drink a beer.

And of course, eating it isn't too bad either.
I love that 'Oh Baby' moment when I pull apart a butt and it's perfect. Or that rib that just, well, yeah.

Seeing the eyes of someone who takes a bite of something I worked hard on and it's just obvious that they really enjoyed that bite. No words necessary.

That 5 or 10 minutes after everyone is full where you just sit back and enjoy the moment.

That split second of realization that it was my team name that was just announced to take that walk.

Going down at 5:30 in the morning and looking at the thermometer that still sits at 230. Light wisps of smoke still coming out from the top vents. Then picking up the lid and looking at these falling apart pork butts with the aroma of the smoke & meat...
Even better in the snow of which apparently we will have shortly!
I love building the fire and assembling the cooker. I love overnight smokes. I sit on the patio with a cold Coors for a while after everyone else is in bed, just to be near the smoker and smell that smell and see the smoke. Of course, I love the taste of the BBQ, with mesquite smoked brisket being my favorite. I love when friends, family, and co-workers ask me to smoke or grill something.
Yep, four butts with apple and hickory, EVERYONE would know I was smoking. Now my neighbors picked up a wood burning stove..grrrrrr
But I can still drive the dogs crazy with a long meaty smoke.
I love the process.
I too love chatter from my neighbors.
And I truly love hearing my friends and family say, "That was the BEST ____ I've ever eaten!" and mean it.
Oh, and I love the anxiety of waiting to open that lid for the first time to see perfect deliciousness waiting for me.
The anticpiation of turning out a good product and the satisfaction you get when you do. Also to hear friends and family say things like "it's the best I ever tasted" is very rewarding
I love the whole process. Getting the charcoal going, the art of figuring out when the food is done, the thank you's from people that enjoyed the meal. Everything.
For me its the 'one on one' time early in the morning, when the wife and daughter are still asleep. It's just my WSM and me on the deck, looking out over the water while the sun's just coming up. She's billowing out sweet blue smoke, and I'm just chilling with my coffee, taking it all in. In this moment... all is right with the world.

Also, I love that I have this "family" of people I've never met who are right with me as I do this. They've guided me as I made the decision to get into this craft, and they've mentored me as I honed my skills. I disappeared from the forum for a while (life gets in the way sometimes), but when I needed them, they were right where I left them, ready to help

Simply put, I love BBQ, and all that it offers.
i love the 1 AM start for a long butt/brisket cook...just being out in the quiet night watching the smoke rise out of the bullet
Besides everything else that has been mentioned I love that it is Low Tech. After dealing with ever changing technology all day I love the simple pleasures of Fire and Meat.


