Ok. So what do you think about this?


John Noble

TVWBB Member
Ok. So tell me what you think about this configuration. Because I think it would work. And esp Larry R. Lemme know, bro.

This mod is on a wsm 18. It is for someone using no water.

I want room for the fire. So instead of putting in a shallow Brinkman, I just remove the water pan and drop in a pizza stone instead. The stone fits fine on the same lip as the water pan. And, as we know from the ceramic bbqs, stone plates act effectively as a heat shield, causing heat to flow around and up.

Easy maintenance. No water, no foil. Let it get sooty forever. That's what the ceramic boys do.

Sitting on top of the pizza stone is a ceramic dish, either a shallow cooking dish or a flower pot base.

The pizza stone has raised ridges, (the ones I buy here anyway) so air will flow between it and the ceramic base. So the bottom of the ceramic base will be cool enough such that drippings won't burn, and we don't need to worry about bad smells from burning fats.

If the ceramic base is higher than the lip tht the lower grill rests on, the lower grill can sit on the ceramic base. That's ok, but perhaps even better, just buy another top grill. The top grill sits on the bolts, now about two inches above the pizza stone. Not much higher, but enough room for the ceramic catcher below.

And even better, it now has nice handles which makes lifting it out, much easier.

Whaddya think?

John N
Should work great!
The WSM doesn't have to have a heat sink, only needs a heat shield for the lower rack. If cooking only on the upper rack you don't really need anything. ( like an UDS)
I use a 14 in round cast iron griddle as my heat shield.
Clay flower pot saucers are a great way to go.

A 16" pizza stone or pizza pan with a clay saucer should work just fine.

Foil them up to help keep them clean.
I think that you are likely to crack the pizza stone.

Pizza stones do not like:

1) excessive moisture: they absorb it and can crack from steam pressure
2) sudden changes in temp: this causes expansion and/or contraction cracks
3) direct exposure to flames: causes the same issues as #2

You could wrap the pizza stone several times over in aluminum foil. That could help.

or...I'd think about going with some sort of cast iron.

look what $39 buys at amazon: search for Lodge Pro Logic Cast-Iron 14-Inch Pizza Pan

