Oil Grill and/or Food?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave/G:
FWIW, I have the CI grate in my kettle. Since seasoning it, I've never oiled it, just the food with no issues at all. Prior, there were too many flareups when oiling the grate from oil dripping on hot coals. Also, the oil on the grate used to burn and the flame would circle around the grate until the oil was all burned off. Now, I just leave the CI grate alone after each grilling session and brush it off after it heats up next time I grill. JMO </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Dee Eye Tee Tee Oh!
There was a guy that had a cooking show years and years ago. He had a saying, "Hot pan..cold oil..food won't stick". My brother has a stainless steel frying pan and says this works great. I guess this equates to "Oil the food, not the grate".
I am one of those guys who does not oil the grate or the food. The meat will release and not stick when it is ready. Then you can move it or flip it as desired.
I do both. I oil the grate as the final step in cleaning it (after scraping with brush)and the food to prevent sticking.
Put the gear away? This was my place Thanksgiving weekend.



